Step 22: LEARN him

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"Opps," Ivy gasped with fake shock. Her hands moved to 'help' me but I pushed them away afraid they would do more damage. I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Like I said, I'm going to the restroom," I gritted out, covering the stain with my hands. "Excuse me."

No one said anything to stop me and I could feel their eyes on me as I walked away. As soon as I was out of sight, I let out a mixture of a growl and scream. She was good, I had to give her that and it didn't help she had everyone eating out of her palm. I examined the damage done to the dress which luckily (for her) wasn't too bad. I made my way towards the restroom but was stopped by the waiter from our table.

"Oh wow," he muttered shaking his head.

I laughed. "It's not as bad as it looks."

"Was the water that bad?"

"I wish it was water. This is probably some one of a kind champagne. I'm probably lucky to have this poured on me."

He reached into his pocket and brought out a few crinkled paper towels. "I hope this will do," he grinned.

"Thanks..." my voice died as I had no idea what his name was.

"Drew," he offered pointing to his nametag.

I slapped my forehead. "Oh. I should have known. I have one."

"You're a waitress?" Drew said skeptically.

"What did you think I did?" I replied rolling my eyes.

"Modelling maybe."

"I am not model worthy."

Drew began shaking his head, chuckling, then leaned against the wall. "Are you serious? If I was the guy with you, I'd be drooling. I would never guess that you're a waitress. You fit in with the rich crowd."

"I don't fit in with that crowd as much as it seems on the outside. Ethan keeps telling me off like I'm a child-"

"The guy you're with. Is he your boyfriend?"

"No. I mean, yes."

He raised an eyebrow. "You don't sound very sure."

Because I'm not. "It's complicated."

"I swear every girl uses that to avoid explaining," he teased.

"It's a great technique passed on from generation to generation," I giggled. Okay. So I was having fun. Is that so bad? Apparently so because suddenly, the air became cold. I think I saw snow falling.

"Don't you have tables to serve?" Ethan's voice came out hard and low. He stepped so close that he pressed into my back then placed a possessive hand on my waist. I shivered from the contact.

"I...Yes, sir," Drew muttered. He gave me a small smile then left.

I stared at the floor, annoyed. "Why, Ethan? Why?"

"I should ask you that. You can't go flirting with random guys," he accused.

"He is not random. His name is Drew."

He waved his hand dismissively. "It doesn't matter. Just stop flirting with him."

"You're such a hypocrite," I hissed, turning to face him.


"'Oh, Ashley, don't embarrass me in front of these people. Yes, Ivy. You're right. Oh, I love you. F*ck me sideways,'" I mimicked.

"I have never said that."

"You might as well have."

"Why are you so worked up about Ivy? She's just a f*cking friend," he argued with just as much frustration.

"Who you almost dated!" I exploded. Andrew decided that it would be funny to add that piece of information. "Everyone here has gone on and on about how well suited you two are together. It's so f*cking annoying."

"But we're not."

I felt like pulling my hair. "Does she know that? Because she has made more claims on you than I could have thought possible."

"She's just worried," Ethan defended but I could see the flicker of doubt in his eyes.

"I'm trying, Ethan," I said exasperatedly. "I just wanted a fake boyfriend and I'm sorry I forced you but you're making this harder than it needs to be."

He paused, in thought. "You really don't like Ivy."

"Pretty much." I wasn't bothered to deny it.

He leaned forward, his face centimetres away from my own. "Fine. You win."

"I win?" I whispered, unable to talk any louder. What type of voodoo did he have?

"I'll stay away from Ivy if you stay away from Dan."

"His name is Drew."

"I didn't care before and I don't care now."'

"Well, I guess I-"

I was cut off as his lips pressed against mine. At first, I was frozen in shock but soon I was kissing him back. His hands ran up my hips and settled on my waist, drawing me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck then he began kissing me harder causing me to moan quietly. F*ck. He moved his head back slightly, breaking the kiss. Ethan stared at me, watching me blush under his gaze.

"I'll still be your fake boyfriend," he muttered. Well. That definitely shot any dreams of a real relationship. But I was grateful as it reminded me of what we were. Not together.

"Fake boyfriend," I echoed, still unable to speak.

Ethan laughed and his eyes had a glint in them I hadn't seen before. He took of his suit jacket then put it on my shoulders. "Let's go back." He more or less dragged me back to the table where his mom was staring a me with obvious disapproval especially since I was wearing clothes that didn't belong to me.

"You're still here?" she asked with narrowed eyes.

"Seeing as I'm with Ethan, yes I am," I answered back.

"I heard you're a... waitress," she said snidely. "What do your parents do?"

"My mom's a nurse and my dad's a lawyer."

"A lawyer?" Ethan's dad sounded impressed. "Would I know him?"

"Probably," I shrugged.

"What's his name?"

"Vincent Rowe," I said casually. The gasp that came from Ethan's mom caused me to grin. Now, let me explain. I have pointed out repeatedly that I don't need Ethan's money and I was being honest. My father was loaded, however, he believed that we should work our way in the world rather than have everything handed to us. Ace followed my father's path and decided to study law so now he works in the law firm our dad owns. But me being his precious daughter, my dad took care of me despite my complaints.

"Your father's Vincent Rowe?" Ethan looked just as surprised as everyone else. His mother caught on to that and narrowed her eyes.

"You didn't know? Is she not your girlfriend?"

"It didn't come up," he replied. She gave him a suspicious look for a few seconds before turning her gaze to me.

"What's Ethan's favorite color?" She fired.

F*cking hell.



I'm trying. Sorry.

How are you?

So things are progressing well.

Ship name for Ethan and Ashley? (If you can even ship them)

XO Nyx

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