Step 4: LIE to him

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"Yes, that's who I am. And who are you?"

The two guards let go of me and disappeared down the hallway, leaving me with the intimidating man. He was wearing a black suit and had his arms folded. I folded my arms too, feeling like it would make me more intimidating. His raised eyebrow told me he disagreed.

"Why should I tell you?" I said, defiantly.

"Because I'm giving you a choice. Either tell me yourself or I'll do a background check."

"Don't you need my name?"

"I know what you look like," his eyes trailed my body making me blush again.

"What if I don't even look like this? My hair could be red and I might have contact lenses," I pointed out to him.

"You and I both know you're making excuses so you can stop."

"Stop what?"

"Stop this," he said with frustration.

"What is 'this'?" I asked while my grin grew as he glared.

"Do you think this is a joke? You've been sneaking around my hotel and you think I'm going to laugh it off?" He hissed.

I narrowed my eyes at him. I had to change strategy. "What made you think I was sneaking around?"

This time when his dark eyes raked over me, it was judgemental. "You don't look like someone who stays here."

My mouth dropped open and my temper rose. "How f*cking dare you! There is no dress code to how people should or should not look like if they're rich. And for your information, I do stay here."

Discreetly, I swallowed, tasting my lie in the back of my throat. It tasted like lemons...not that bad to be honest. However, Ethan's face told me that I had dug myself a hole which was slowly getting deeper.

"And where, may I ask, are you staying?" He said, voice low. I leaned back putting some distance between us before creating a suitable answer. Then my brain brought forth a plan. Well done, brain.

"I stay..." I muttered before barging into his room," here."

"What the hell?" He roared. "Get out."

"Temper. Temper. It's my room too."

"Do you know who you're messing with?"

I nodded. "Of course. Ethan Holt. Twenty five. Owner of many hotels. Rich. Playboy. May be married but I doubt it. And right now is incredibly p*ssed."

"Damn right I am. And I'm telling you to get out."

"And I'm telling you no."

If I thought Ethan was angry before he was furious now. "I have a meeting here with someone important and I don't want you to get-"

"In the way?" I finished for him, laying on the couch.

"So you understand. Now, leave." He swung the door open to reveal a tall man with black hair and startling grey eyes smirking.

"What do we have here, Holt?" Now, Ethan was coldly handsome but this guy screamed danger and sex especially with his wolfish grin.

"Hadrian, meet this random girl who I would love to get rid of," Ethan introduced tiredly.

Hadrian's eyes seemed to get lighter and he put his hands in his suit pockets casually. "Hello, Ashley."

How did he know my name? I didn't even know who he was. Actually, I did. Everyone did. "You're...H-Hadrian DiRomero and you know my name."

"How did you know her name?" Ethan echoed.

"I didn't come here to get questioned. I came for answers and I don't have time. My girlfriend's waiting for me."

I just stared at him. One, like the rest of the world, I was still in shock that he was off the market and the girl who had him was probably thanking her fairy godmother because he was like winning the lottery. Who wouldn't want a rich bad boy? However, he wasn't my target. Ethan gave me a cold look then led Hadrian into another room and closed the door.

Getting up from the couch, I decided to explore. And find something to blackmail him with. My original plan wasn't working and I was running out of ideas. Then my brain as usual presented the perfect idea - his bedroom. My eyes watched the door the men went into, checking that they weren't going to come out anytime soon.

Once it was safe, I began the mission. His apartment felt more like a maze with nothing giving away where his room was. The first door opened to his bathroom but the second opened up to his room. The bed was made, the floor spotless and I couldn't see anything that screamed 'I'm a real life Christian Grey' but obviously someone wouldn't stupidly leave their secrets on the floor...maybe I would though. I opened his drawers and saw layers of paper with numbers scribbled over them, nothing important. Noticing a paper corner under the pillows, I pulled it out while my eyes quickly grew wide. Then, my mouth began the raise into a smile. After stuffing it into my bra, I flung the rest of the pillows off the bed and saw it.

"Oh my f*cking God!" I screamed loudly.

Footsteps thundered towards me until Ethan swung open the door looking slightly panicked but incredibly pissed off. "What is it?!"

I could see Hadrian also walking into the room, eyebrows raised. I pointed to the thing on the bed. "You're into BDSM," I said in shock, my eyes frozen on the whip.

Ethan's faced turned red with fury. "I. AM. NOT. INTO. F*CKING. BDSM. It's a f*cking riding crop for HORSES."


Now, it was awkward. I had accused him of having some kinky fetish while the guy he was having a meeting with watched. Ethan slowly made his way towards me and I knew my time here was over. His large hand gripped my arm, not tight enough to bruise but enough to get his point across. What have I done?

"I don't want to see your face in this or any of my buildings again. If I do, I'm calling the cops on you. Do I make myself clear?" He growled quietly into my ear.

"What if I pay for a room?" I muttered.

"Then, you'll find your room outside."

"Okay," I shrugged. I wasn't going to listen to him anyway.

"I'll escort her out," Hadrian offered, grinning.

I walked out of Ethan's grip then confidently walked out of the bedroom. This wasn't over all because of the little piece of information stashed in my bra.

"And I don't like red," he called out.



I know it's taken me sooo long to update but I've been away failing at life XD

Anyway, I will start interviews soon but I need to sort out a few things first. I have 4 stories that I want to write but not enough time (at this rate I will still be writing in 2020)

I love you xxx

XO Nyx_

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