Step 27: WAKE with him

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Victoria and I came back to the beach where everyone was talking with each other. Victoria ran off,  leaving me alone in order to search for Ray. Feeling uncomfortable in my outfit, I went to the only place I was familiar with - where the drinks were. because we were on a beach, the drinks were put in a large cooler. I reached in, looking for something that was alcoholic. Another hand also reached in and pulled out a bottle of Corona. I looked up to see Ethan raising an eyebrow.

"You're already trying to become drunk?" he said, handing me the bottle.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Don't judge me."

That's when he seemed to notice the outfit I was wearing and he looked like he wanted to burn it. "Why are you wearing that?"

"I didn't want to. This is all your sister's doing which is why I need to become drunk," I answered. Ethan shook his head then grabbed my hand. The moment he touched my skin, I felt a jolt of electricity causing me to turn red. "What are you doing?"

"You're barely wearing anything," he grumbled. "And I don't want the guys to get the wrong impression."

"I can handle myself," I argued.

"I never said you couldn't. This is for my own sanity."

A cough from behind us made us turn but my eyes narrowed into slits when I saw it was Ivy. She was wearing a similar outfit to me but her bikini top was pink rather than green. She smiled at Ethan, not acknowledging my presence. "Ethan! You disappeared after the wedding," she said (or whined), pouting.

"I went to look for my girlfriend," he replied, his voice cold despite it being a hot day.

"Oh," Ivy faltered. "I wanted to talk to you about something." He stared at her waiting for her to speak. "Alone," she added.

"You can say it in front of Ashley."

"I can't."

"What could you possibly want to talk about in private?"

"I want to talk about us."

Ethan's hazel eyes became hard. "Then I don't want to hear it because there is nothing to talk about."

"What do you mean?" she hissed. "Before this...this whore came, we were going to get back together. That was the plan!"

"Plans change. And don't call Ashley a whore," Ethan snapped.

"She has you under some spell, E. I can't wait for you to notice that. But I'll be here waiting for you to come back to me."

"You'll be waiting a long time then."

He walked away from Ivy, still holding my hand, towards the gazebo. I looked at back at Ivy who was seething. I had a good feeling that she wasn't done with me but I had to strike back and quickly if I wanted to survive her wrath. The party stretched into the night and a bonfire was put to keep it going. Ethan and I were till in the gazebo but we were joined by a large bottle of vodka which was almost finished. His suit jacket was off and his tie was undone. My cheeks were rosy and I was sitting on my chair with my legs stretched out onto Ethan's lap.

He was slowly massaging my calves as we spoke about whatever came to mind. We were on the topic of childhood when I noticed Ethan's sister stomping towards us. When Victoria finally came over, we were practically drunk and she noticed it. Well, I obviously was. "Oh my God! You two better be able to dance," she scolded, hands on her hips.

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Of course we can."

I began giggling for no reason. Victoria sighed loudly. "Get up you two."

We did as we were told then followed her to the bonfire. I could barely walk straight and Ethan's arm around my waist was the only thing keeping me upright. The music was already playing and couples were dancing. Victoria pointed a stern finger at both of us. "Behave. Be good or go back to the hotel." She waited a moment before going off to find her husband.

Ethan put his warm hands on my waist and my arms snaked around his neck. We swayed to the music but I wasn't concentrating on it. Instead, the billionaire who was holding me was the one distracting me. His eyes met mine. "You good?"

"Yeah," I murmured. His thumb slid slightly under the waistband of my skirt and he pulled my body closer to his. His hands ran up and down my sides making me shiver in his grasp. I had enough. "I want you," I moaned.

"Are you sure?" he whispered into my ear.



Our bedroom door slammed open as we burst in kissing, trying frantically to remove each other's clothes. I finally managed to remove his shirt and his hands weaved into my hair while mine ran over his hard chest.

"When the f*ck do you workout?" I asked breathlessly. He pressed his lips on mine again redirecting my attention. I groaned as his tongue met mine, deepening the kiss. My knowledge of right and wrong was muted as my skirt was pushed down. I stepped out of it and his hands cupped my ass, bringing me even closer to him. We broke for air but Ethan didn't stop, instead, he moved his mouth to my jaw and trailed a path down to my neck, gently biting the skin. My hands grabbed onto his hair then I felt a tug on the strings of the bikini.

It fell to the floor silently. Ethan's fingers rubbed the side of my breasts then he leaned back to look at me. "Ashley. Is this what you want?"

I moved his face closer to mine again. "Yeah," I muttered before kissing him. He kissed me back with the same fire and his thumbs slowly rubbed over my nipples. I gasped when he lowered his mouth to nip both of them. I began fumbling with his belt, tired of foreplay. Ethan carried me to the bed and quickly slipped my thong off then went back to kiss me.

"Do you want me to f*ck you, Ashley?" he said while he ran his hands higher and higher up my leg.

I was a pathetic mess. "Please," I begged as he started sucking on my neck.

"I guess I have to give you what you want," he said before doing exactly what he said.


This was painful for me but it's done.

Anyway we are no longer in the top 1000. sigh. Well, it was fun.

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This chapter goes to @Cloveress22 as she's so lovely and a gorgeous human being. Thank you so much for your support x

XO Nyx

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