Step 5: ANNOY him

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"This is some real sh*t," Diana said.

"I know."

"I mean, this is real sh*t."

"I know that."

"This is some real real sh*t."

"I f*cking know, for f*ck sake," I snatched the precious piece of paper from her hands. I held the document close to my chest, not wanting to lose it. It was the key to many doors including the boyfriend one. Yes, it may include blackmail but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I walked towards the photocopier and printed a spare copy to keep for back up in case of the very likely chance Ethan would tear up the original.

Diana slumped onto my sofa, laying there dramatically. "So, Ethan must get into a stable relationship, get engaged to the girl if the family approves of her just to officially own his father's company otherwise it will go to his brother. Am I right?"

I nodded. "That's what it looks like."

"And you," she pointed a perfect finger at me. "Are going to blackmail him to date you."

"Not exactly blackmail. Just an offer."

"And what if he says no? Then what?"

"I hope he enjoys the paparazzi hounding him about getting a girl pregnant."

"How the f*ck are you going to do that?!" Diana said incredulously.

A smirk graced my face. "Have you ever seen my stomach after eating a whole pizza? I can pass as a woman with a child inside of her."

"You're very smart, my friend, even though you're playing with fire."

"What have I got to lose? It's only you who loses a couple hundred bucks."

Her eyes widened with realization. "Sh*t."

"Sh*t indeed. Now, I need to get to work as I am now currently two hours late." I grabbed my bag off Diana's bed and walked out, waving at Liam on my way out. Mentally, I prepared for the onslaught Tash was going to rain upon me when I arrived. It would probably go like-

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? DON'T YOU UNDERSTND THAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HERE ON TIME?" Tash screeched. Customers turned to see what was going on. Shame on her. Why is she making a scene?

I took a deep breath and sighed mockingly. "Tash, I am on time."


"Indoor voices, Tash," I chided. "If we were in Anchorage, it would be nine so I'm not late."

I almost thought she was going to explode. "But we're not in Anchorage, we're in New York. This is your last chance, Ashley, otherwise I'm going to get my grandmother to let you go."

"Empty threats. Can I work now?" I said bored. She didn't reply but continued getting angry in silence. I shrugged and went to change, passing May who had finally returned from wherever smart people go to. She smiled at me while taking an order, a sign that she had enjoyed my daily dose of Tash. I am aware some people may be asking why am I purposely annoying my boss? Simple answer: I'm f*cking bored. Nothing ever happens in a café so fighting with her is the little metal challenge I need every day. Walking towards the small coffee machine  behind the counter, I began making a drink for myself because I deserved it.

"Black coffee. Medium," a person ordered behind me.

I turned around only to turn straight back. What the f*ck was he doing here?

"Ashley," Ethan said. I couldn't tell if he was pleased as the last time we met it didn't go too well.

"I'm not Ashley," I replied still not facing him.

"Then why do you have a name tag with Ashley clearly written on it?"

I sighed then turned. He was wearing a suit without a tie and his hair was all over the place in that styled-but-not-styled way. "What do you want, Mr. Holt?"

"Like I said, black coffee. Medium."

"I heard you before."

"So why did you ask?"

My eyes narrowed. I was the one who was sarcastic, not him. The corner of Ethan's mouth raised, noticing my annoyance. I glared for a second longer then made his stupid drink. As soon as it was done, I dumped it in front of him. "Three dollars."

He handed over the money but instead of disappearing, he sat down on one of the stools sipping his coffee. I placed my hands on my hips. My plan of storming into his office with his letter and demanding he asks me out was going down the drain (it sounds bad when you say it out loud but it's a plan nonetheless). Time to improvise.

"You know what I hate the most?" I said leaning over.

"I don't care," he continued checking his phone.

I continued as if he had said nothing. "When my brother gets what's mine."

No reaction.

"Like sometimes my mom says I need to, you know, do something before I can get it or my brother gets it instead."


"Let's say, my dad had a car and he would give it to me but I need to have a boyfriend to have it or my brother gets it."

Ethan gave me a withering look. "Why would your dad give a car because you have a boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes. "Hypothetically speaking. Someone I know, can't have his dad's company because he's still single. I was going to offer some assistance but he sort of kicked me out of his apartment."

Finally, it clicked in his head. He looked murderous. "How the f*ck do you know about that?"

"The tooth fairy told me," I grinned. I pulled the letter out of my bra then placed it on the table. "Here."

In seconds the letter became confetti like I predicted. "You better not-"

"Shut up, dude. I have another copy so you can't stop me. I just want to make a deal with you."

Surprisingly, Ethan calmed down. "Ah. I get it now."

"You do?"

"Yep. You're one of those money-grabbing whores who blackmail people to get what they want. Well, that's not going to work this time."

"You're wrong. Very wrong. I don't want your money."

Ethan got up, leaving his cup on the table. "You know I'm right and it's okay. I won't judge  you." He walked out of the café, leaving me speechless.


Is this late? *sigh* If so, sorry as usual.

I am currently watching shows from when I was young... and I'm not old, if you're wondering XD I'm ageless

And my birthday is coming up! For privacy reasons and the fact it's almost true, my birthday is on the 14th of February like Cupid in It Could Be His. Should I do a Valentine's day special for Hadrian and Rhea????? Comment Yes/No

I love you x

XO Nyx_

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