Step 42: SHOCKED by him

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"Ethan, I'm flattered but you can't just decide that on your own."

"I didn't decide. It's part of the deal."

"Oh." F*ck. I didn't expect him to remember. "It's almost the end of the year, can't you just make an exception?"

"I need the company and I can only get it if I'm married. I've been dating you so keep your side of the bargain."

"You said I had to be accepted by your family. Most of them hate me," I reminded him.

He nodded. "That's true. But that's only half. My dad and sister like you."

I noticed that he didn't include himself. "And you?"

"We all know the answer to that."

"Which is..." Ethan ignored me and continued walking. "So you do like me!" I gasped. His glare told me otherwise.

"You know what? We can just order food," he sighed. "I don't want to be seen with you."

"No," I pleaded. I didn't want to buy my food myself, especially since his paycheck has more than eight digits. "Let's go shopping."

"Enjoy going by yourself."

Ethan turned around, walking back the way we came. I started cursing him but followed. "You owe me food since you decided to throw mine away."

"I'm so sorry that I threw away your expired, moldy food to prevent you from catching a disease. So sorry," Ethan said, his voice dipping with sarcasm.

As a mature adult, I didn't reply to his comment and instead, decided to blackmail him. "If you don't get me food then...I won't tell you what Mr. Pierson said."

That got his attention.

He stopped walking immediately. "Ashley, I swear if you don't stop these games-"

"Are you getting me food? Yes or no?"

"Why can't you just be a f*cking normal-"

"Yes or no?" I interrupted. There was a slight pause as he glared at me (as usual) then sighed. Ethan reached into his pocket and handed me a black card.

"Here. Buy whatever you want, I don't care. Now, what did he say?"

I kissed the card lovingly. "I'll be using you later," I muttered to it before looking at Ethan. "Do you really want to know?"


"It's not important," I told him, walking away but he grabbed my wrist, forcing me to face him.

"Ashley," his voice was low and hypnotizing. "What the f*ck did he say to you?"

Words seem to tumble out of my mouth with no control. "He told me that I have to give him ten thousand dollars a month so he doesn't tell the press about our relationship."

The hand on my wrist loosened and Ethan exhaled. I tried to scan his eyes for a reaction but all I could sense was relief which made no sense. He rubbed his jaw for a moment then pulled out his phone to start typing.

I was confused. "Why aren't you mad?"

His eyes flickered to mine. "I thought it was something serious."

"That isn't serious?! The guy told me to steal from you," I said incredulously.

"It wouldn't be the first time." Son of a b*tch. Finally, he put his phone away. "I'm going to your parents' house later."


"I'm asking for permission to marry you."

"We live in the twenty-first century. You don't need to do that."

"Would you prefer that your dad puts another bullet in me?" Ethan replied.

I was going to say yes but his face told me that would take his card back if I did. "Fine. But I'm coming with you."


We reached my apartment door. "Are you coming in?" I asked.

Ethan glanced at his watch. "Nope, I have an appointment in thirty minutes. I'll pick you up later."

"Oh. I guess I'll see you then."

A crash from inside my apartment caused me to jump. I quickly opened my door and shouted, "Ace, if you f*cking break anything, you'll pay for it!"

"Bye, Ashley," Ethan said then left without letting me reply.


"Dad, be serious."

My father pointed at the bored billionaire. "He doesn't deserve you."

"Then who does?" My mother argued.

"No one deserves the torture that Ashley brings," Ethan muttered under his breath.

I pinched his leg. "You aren't one to speak," I hissed back.

"She isn't ready," my dad continued, getting up from his seat.

"That's not a valid reason," I pointed out.

We were in my dad's office, trying to convince him to let me get married. My mom was thrilled that her daughter had finally found someone so had no objections unlike her husband.

"Ashley," my dad stared into my eyes seriously. "Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with this man here?"

My mouth twitched, wanting to scream that I didn't but I smiled and put the best performance of my life. "Ethan is who I want. I can't imagine myself with anyone else."

"Is that really how you feel?"

I actually felt like stabbing Ethan. "Yes."

My dad sat back into his chair and glared hard at Ethan. "You remember what I said to you before."

"Yes, sir," he replied.

"Don't make me have to do it." Ethan nodded then my dad closed his eyes tiredly. "Fine, get married. You have my blessing."

I began to grin, feeling excited for some reason. "Thank you."

He waved his hand dismissively. "You can leave. Let me digest all this."

I got up and left with Ethan behind me. Once we got outside, I relaxed. "I thought he would never give in," I said, opening the door to Ethan's car and getting in.

He sat in the diver's seat and turned on the engine. "He's just as stubborn as you."

"From you, that's not a compliment."

"You're right," Ethan agreed. Rolling my eyes, I held out my hand to him which he stared at, confused. "What do you want?"

"My ring."

There was a slight pause before Ethan laughed. My cheeks flushed red as I became annoyed. "Why are you laughing? If we're getting...married then I need a ring."

"You'll get one. Just not today."


"Because I need to propose first."


I've sorted my life out FINALLY
Which is why I had to take a break from Wattpad x sorry guys. BUT THANK YOU FOR 33k
I love you guys so much x
XO Nyx

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