Step 11: MENTION him

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After a painfully long time of Rhea and Hadrian both laughing at me, Ethan came back to the table looking incredibly pleased with himself. Behind him, two staff members moved to take away everything that was set up for Andrew including his chair. Ethan sipped his drink once he sat down.

"Ethan, you never mention you had such an interesting girlfriend," Rhea gushed. I internally cringed as compared to the other couple, Ethan and I could barely pass as acquaintances. I spotted the looks Hadrian gave Rhea when she wasn't looking and it almost made me want the real thing. Then I remembered that my only option was to cause Diana to lose her money and she would kill me if I let that happen.

"I'm sorry," Ethan replied, not sounding sorry at all.

Hadrian and Rhea later left the table to go and interact with other people, leaving Ethan and I alone. He kept a steady gaze on the band playing, allowing me to stare at his face. It must have been obvious as he turned to look at me.


I became flustered at being caught. "N-Nothing. Am I not allowed to look at  you?"

"Weren't you taught that staring is rude?"

"I wasn't staring!" I instisted.

"Then what were you doing?"


"Observing what?"

My mind searched for something intelligent to say. "Your wrinkles." I felt like smacking my head. Wrinkles?

"I don't have wrinkles. I'm not that much older than you," he said, rolling his eyes.

"I's the restroom?"

He pointed towards the back. "Go down the corridor. It'll be on your left."

I rushed in the direction he pointed me in as if the devil was chasing me. Which was possible. I entered my destination and as predicted, it looked like a large beauty studio with make-up all over the counter, different creams and soaps along with the cubicles at the back. I hesitantly walked in as it appeared as though the few women inside were fighting for mirror space. Then I spotted Ivy. Swiftly, I rushed into the nearest cubicle without anyone noticing and locked myself inside.

For some unknown and mystifying reason, the restroom seemed to be the place where people decided to b*tch about others and I was right on time to hear about what Ivy had to say about me.

"Did you see Ethan's date?" She said.

"Yeah. She was wearing the green dress, right?" One replied.

"Yep and I can bet she didn't pay for it," Ivy stated. It was true but I still didn't like what she was implying.

"Seriously? I didn't know Holt started paying for his friend's things," another woman piped in. "I wish he paid for this."

They laughed but Ivy wasn't done.

"But he says she's not his friend. She's his girlfriend," Ivy spat out.

I heard things drop to the ground and I could imagine their horrified looks.

"What?!" They said at the same time.

"You heard me. I think she's a gold digger."

"Hmm. It makes sense. Did you see the way she was sucking up to Hadrian DiRomero?"

"And his girlfriend," someone added. "I wouldn't be surprised if she's trying to get into that circle."

"She's not even that pretty."

The nasty comments continued until I had enough. I wasn't self-conscious about how I looked nor did I care but did they have nothing better to do? I unlocked the door and the gossiping quietened until it was silent. I walked up to the mirror, pulling out the shiny lip gloss John had given to me. They moved away from me as if I would burn then if they got too close.

Once I was finished with my make-up, I gave them the cruelest smirk I could muster. Then my eyes landed on Ivy. I smiled then pointed at her lipstick.

"What is it?" She asked raising her hand to her mouth.

"It's a bit smudged. Probably because of all that gossiping." Twisting on my heels, I walked out. Now they can b*tch about that.

I found Ethan leaning against the wall in the corridor with his hands in his pockets. He lifted his head when he heard me approaching. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I grinned. "I just found out that certain people don't like me."

"And that makes you happy?"

I shrugged. "Of course. Can we go? I've had enough of this event."

"I was thinking the same thing," he said, tiredly. I noticed his tie was undone.

Ethan and I made our way towards the back entrance then received the keys to his car. We didn't talk during the journey but I noticed he wasn't driving towards my apartment.

"This isn't the way to where I live," I pointed out. The buildings were getting too shiny than I was used to.

"I'm glad you figured that out."

"I hope you know that you're really rude," I huffed.

He didn't respond. Checking my location, I found out we were in Manhattan. Ethan drove the car into a private underground parking lot. He parked near the elevators and I got out. The first thing I noticed was that it didn't smell of p*ss. Five stars in my book.

"Do you want to stay here over night?" He called out, already in one of the elevators.

I hurried after him. "Where are we?"

"My penthouse." Instead of pressing a button, he swiped a key card and the elevator began to move.

"I thought you had a place at the hotel."

"I do."

"So why did you drag me here?" I said exasperatedly. "I'm tired."

"If I took you to your apartment, your life story would be online in a matter of seconds. Didn't you notice the paparazzi following the car?"

"No." I sounded stupid even to my own ears. I never thought Ethan could be so consider-

"I don't want the world to know I'm with a waitress."

I clenched my fist. I would happily break my other wrist if it meant I could beat him up. "We're in a small space alone, Ethan, with no one to stop me. Don't think I won't hit you."

He leaned forward, less than an inch between our faces. "Hit me then," he whispered.

My brain decided to malfunction causing my jaw to drop. Not a sound came out. I could tell I looked ridiculous as Ethan moved away from me and began laughing. His laughter brought me back to life and I glared at him. I needed to find the cure to his evil magic that leaves me incapable of speech.

"You're like an angry kitten," he said wistfully.

"Do I look like a f*cking cat to you? I don't have fur nor do I lick myself." Ethan's eyebrows raised at the last part. My eyes widened. "Don't even go there, Ethan. That's disgusting."

"I didn't say anything."

The elevator door opened to his penthouse. The lights were off, hiding what was inside. I felt something touch my shoulder and jumped back only to find out that it was Ethan. He flipped one of the switches then pointed to a staircase. "There's two spare rooms upstairs. Just pick one. There's clothes for you to wear tonight."

I nodded. "Thanks."

We stood in an uncomfortable silence until Ethan finally walked away, leaving me alone.


Do you know how hard it is to have a computer that makes no sense?

So I'm listening to music that, on a normal day, I would hate but today I've decided to give the songs a chance.

Also, I'm vegetarian now. Why? Not sure. It's been a long, hard week... XD

XO Nyx

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