Step 38: QUESTION him

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The next day, I was finally at my humble home which surprisingly was empty. No brother or friends wondering around eating my food. With no plans and it being Sunday, the holy day of rest, I decided to have a pyjama day instead of killing my brother for getting May pregnant. I mean, we live in the 21st century. We have condoms.

I turned on the television then reached under the couch for my secret stash of sweets only to find nothing there. "I pray, for their sake, that they did not touch my candy," I muttered to no one. Rolling onto the floor, I squinted to see if it was just me making a mistake but all that was there was dust and the tale-tell empty wrappers.

"I f*cking hate my friends and brother," I grumbled before getting up. Although it was November and I was only in shorts and a tank top, I put on my knee high socks then my slippers and left my apartment to stock up.

People stared at me as I hurried towards the convenience store, trying to outrun the cold. I was welcomed by the jingle of a bell and the slight increase in temperature.

"Can I help you?" The young man at the counter asked smiling.

"I just want...these," I answered then dropped the nearest packet of sweets.

"That would be five dollars. Wait, aren't you the girl dating that billionaire guy?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Ethan Holt? Yeah, I guess. It's only been a month."

"Wow. Could you sign something? Please, my sister loves you." He thrusted a piece of paper and a pen towards me. I quickly scribbled my signature.

"I'm not even famous," I pointed out to him then handed him the money.

"If you say so."

I walked out of the shop, slightly amazed. Who wouldn't be when you signed an autograph. As I entered my apartment building, I felt the temperature drop. Metaphorically speaking as it was already cold and I was in my pyjamas get the point. The lights flickered, making shadows appear and vanish every time I blinked. A scratching noise made me hold onto my sweets tighter.

I hurried to my door, trying to make my shaking hands slide the key into the lock and the sound of footsteps caused my heart to pound faster. Just as I was about to push the door open, a hand grabbed my shoulder and dragged me back.

"Oh my! Please, don't f*cking kill me! I have things to do! You can take my house, just don't kill me!" I screamed.

The hand left. "Can you shut up? God, why did Ethan have to date you? You're more like a banshee than human."

Snarky response. Overdose in perfume. And insults. It could only be one person. "Ivy, why on Earth did you try and kill me?"

She glared at me. "Why would I do that with this outfit?" Ivy hissed, gesturing to her Barbie inspired clothes.

"It's not beyond you."

"Whatever. We need to go or we'll be late." Ivy's talons wrapped around my wrist and began pulling me but I pried her fingers away.

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Why not? Look at you. You can't be doing anything important." Her eyes judged me head to toe.

"It's pyjama day, firstly and I repeat nowhere with you."

"I don't want to go with you either but it's a spa treatment that Ethan is paying for."

"Why can't you pay for yourself? You're rich."

Folding her arms, she simply gave me a look which told me I was being stupid in her eyes. "It's VIP only, like billionaires and royalty. There are only six in the whole world. They don't accept just anyone."

"Nice to know that you're not rich in everyone's eyes," I muttered.

"Either way you have to come. Ethan's going to be there so I can't lie and say that-"

"Ethan's coming?"

"Yeah, so we need to go now."

Rolling my eyes, I turned towards my apartment. "Bye, Ivy."

"Did you and Ethan get in an argument?" Her voice was laced with curiosity and the obvious hopefulness.

"No," I scoffed.

"So why don't you want to see him?" she asked in that annoying voice only she can do. I gritted my teeth then looked behind me to smile at her.

"Let me get my phone."


The limo which Ivy arrived in, pulled up in front of another intimidatingly rich building. Security on the outside, dark marble making up the entrance with hints of silver. I looked up and squinted at the shiny tower.

"Is this a spa or a museum?" I muttered, trailing after Ivy who was hurriedly going inside.

The bodyguards gave us a once over, their eyes skimming Ivy but staring at me. I nodded then moved closer to the Barbie doll so they knew I was with her. Like most expensive places, the inside was even better than the outside which made me stick out like a sore thumb as I was still in my pyjamas amongst people wearing suits and one-of-a-kind dresses.

"Ivy, I want to go home," I whined.

"I don't care. I've been waiting for this for a long time. You will not ruin it for me," she hissed through her teeth. Her eyes had that childish glow of happiness and I wanted to make it disappear. I moved towards the exit but I was stopped.

"Where are you going, Ashley?" Ethan's voice caused me to freeze.

Sighing, I turned. Ivy's eyes were on me threateningly as Ethan moved towards me, arms folded. "I don't want to be here," I whispered to him.

"It's too late. You don't have a car and I'm not letting you go by yourself."

I glared at him. "I don't need permission," I huffed. "Why are you here? Are you getting your nails done?"

"Ha. Very funny," he said sarcastically. "I'm meeting someone here actually. And I'd rather they don't meet you."

"Who is it?"

"Mr. Holt, it's good to see you are well," a voice interjected. All eyes moved the overweight man whose attention was on Ivy.

Ethan's clenched his jaw. "I would say it back but I'd be lying, Pierson."

Hi guys. Thank you for the 17k as that's my lucky number and it also means people like my book x
Comment your unlucky number
XO Nyx

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