You Embarrass Your Kid

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You Embarrass Your Kid (Requested by dark99kat)

A/N: this was so fun omg


Your sixteen year old son had been behaving a little rebellious lately, and Ashton, knowing grounding and screaming wouldn't work, decided a different tactic to punish him. Your son and his best friend were playing video games in his room and you were watching TV. Ashton, on the other hand, was fluttering around the house in an obvious search for something. You laughed as he groaned, "what on earth are you looking for?" You asked. He sighed, "his baby photos," he mumbled. You chuckled quietly, "what for?" He gave you a devious look, "punishment." So Ashton decided to make dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets for him as you gathered every embarrassing photo you could get your hands on. You both then walked quietly up to his door until you burst in, startling them both. "Snack break!" You shouted and your son glared at you, "what the hell?" He asked and you sat beside him. "Growing boys need their snack breaks!" Ashton walked behind him, ruffled hid hair and presented the plate of nuggets to both of them from behind, waiter style, "your favourite." By this point your son's friend was laughing hysterically. "As we're snack breaking, how about we have a look at some of these," you pulled out a stack of photos from behind your back and his eyes widened, "mum, no," he said through gritted teeth but his friend was more than eager to get his hands on them. You showed one of him when he was six, trying to wear your high heels. Ashton couldn't even contain his laughter from behind. "He still does that," Ashton commented and your son turned to glare at him before snatching the photo. "Get out. Now." He whispered and you pouted, "what about the nuggets?" You asked sadly and he rolled his eyes, trying to hide the obvious blush on his face. "I get what you're trying to do. I'm sorry. Please go," he pleaded and you looked to Ashton who shrugged. "Okay, have fun honey," you ruffled his hair some more and walked out the door with the nuggets. Ashton followed closely behind trying his hardest not to burst out laughing. "I'd say that was a success," you turned to him proudly. "Definitely, celebrate with nuggets," he said, popping one in his mouth.


Your son landed one of the lead parts in the school musical, which you and Calum were both so proud and excited about. "Can't wait for tonight," Calum said in excitement as your son was practicing in front of you both in the living room. He paused and put down his script, "please don't embarrass me," he pleaded and you and Calum looked to each other in confusion. "How would we embarrass you?" You asked and your son raised his eyebrows. "You two can be a bit... Enthusiastic," he mumbled. Calum scoffed, "what?" But he was right. As soon as your son made his first appearance on stage, you both stood up and cheered holding up your cameras. He glared at you but you both kept cheering, and his face was redder than you'd ever seen it. A few parents around you also glared and told you to shush. Pretty much everyone in the hall now had their eyes on the both of you, and your son's friend on stage with him patted him both assuringly and sympathetically on the back. When the music started you sat down quickly and he seemed to relax when he started singing. You leaned over to Calum's ear, "maybe we are too much," you whispered and he shook his head, "we're just very supportive."


Your eight year old son had gone to school. But when Luke called you at 12:50PM saying he may have forgotten to pack your son's lunch, you were already in the kitchen whipping up a quick sandwich. The determination to get to the school before lunch started in ten minutes easily caused you to forget you were still in your pyjamas. Once you'd made it to the entrance you walked quickly to your son's classroom and knocked on the door. The teacher opened it quickly thinking it was an emergency, and you walked quickly to your son who was sitting up front. "Hey, daddy forgot to pack your lunch," you said, handing him the bag. He blushed and mumbled a 'thank you' as kids around the class began to laugh. When you saw a kid point to your pants you realised you were still in your bunny print pj's. You looked around awkwardly and saw the teacher trying not to laugh. "Well," you said as you slowly stood up straight. "See you later, honey," you bent down quickly to kiss his forehead and he hid his face down on the desk in embarrassment. You chuckled nervously as you slowly made your way out of the classroom, all the kid's eyes on you in amusement. "Thank you," you nodded to the teacher and she tried her best to reply calmly, "any time, Mrs. Hemmings."


Your daughter informed you guys two days ago that she'd invited her boyfriend over for dinner on Friday, and she begged you not to embarrass her. So you and Michael had spent the entire day cleaning and preparing dinner for him. "Why haven't we even seen a picture of him yet?" Michael asked her and she blushed, "I'm afraid of what you would think," she mumbled, which really worried you. It was 6:55PM, five minutes before he was to arrive, but the doorbell rang early. You and Michael stood behind your daughter as she opened the door and gave him a hug. He was a fair bit taller than her, with a nose ring and long black hair. You gulped nervously and Michael gave you a wary side glance. "Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford, I'm Vic," he shook both your hands with a smile. As soon as you were all at the dining room table enjoying the dinner, the interrogations began. "So," Michael began, placing down his fork loudly. "How old are you?" He asked. Vic smiled, "18," he said. "Do you drive?" He nodded. "Ever been in trouble with the law?" He asked and your daughter glared at him. When Vic didn't reply Michael gasped, "you've been in jail, haven't you?" "DAD?!" She basically shouted. "Oh right, that's later, are there any bad intentions you have towards my daughter?" He asked and she scoffed, "really?" She asked in annoyance. Vic slumped back in his seat and looked down nervously. Her voice was shaky, which only occurred when she was nervous or embarrassed. You glared at Michael before you turned to Vic, "sorry, uhm," you didn't really know what to say. She took his hand and stood up, "thanks a lot, dad," she said with tears almost brimming her eyes. She led him away from the table and towards her room. You looked at Michael and couldn't help but smile, "she's gonna hate you forever."

A/N: before you ask, YES FUENTES

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