He Gets Jealous

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He Gets Jealous


You visited your boyfriend Ashton on tour and were now watching his band practice on stage. You were sitting near the front waving your arms and singing along. Ashton kept winking and making funny faces at you, making you laugh. In the middle of one of their songs, none other than Harry Styles walks over to you and takes a seat. "Hey, I'm Harry." He said, holding his hand out. "I'm Y/N." You said, shaking his hand. "Wanna hear a joke?" He asked. You were surprised at this sudden question. "Sure." You giggled. "What do you call a fish with no eye?" He asked. "What?" You asked, biting your tongue. "A fsh. Get it? Fsh. F-s-h. Because no 'i'." He explained. The lameness of the joke sent you into fits of laughter. He seemed shocked. "You're the first person who's actually laughed." He chuckled. "It's 'cause it was so stupid." You replied. "Oh, really?" He asked. "Re-" you were about to respond before you heard the music stop on stage. "Get with the beat, Ashton!" Luke said. "I uh... I'm just. Be right back." He left the stage leaving the rest of the boys to just talk. You kept talking with Harry before you saw Ashton walk towards you. "So Harry, I see you've met my GIRLFRIEND Y/N." He said, putting extra emphasis on 'girlfriend'. "Yeah, I like her. She laughed at my fish joke." He chuckled. Ashton's body tensed when Harry said he liked you. "Cool uhm, can you come with me babe?" He asked you. You stood up with a smirk on your face as you walked backstage. "Is someone a little jealous?" You asked. He blushed. "W-what? Haha no. I just." He scratched the back of his neck. "You don't need to be." You placed your hand on his cheek. "You were just laughing and he said he liked you and-" you placed your finger on his lips. "I love you and only you, okay?" You said. "I love you too." He said. "Now get back up there and bang those drums." You said. He smirked. "That's not the only thing I'll be-" "Shut up."


You were at Calum's place ready for a romantic day full of chick-flicks and ice cream before all the other guys decided to invite themselves along. So now you were squished between Luke and Michael with Ashton on another couch and Calum in the kitchen. You were all eating ice cream out of the same tub with different spoons and Michael seemed to be hogging it. "Dude." Luke whined before reaching over you with his spoon. His elbow pressed on a particularly ticklish spot near your rib, causing you to giggle. Luke dropped his spoon in the tub and stared at you incredulously. "I'm really ticklish." You said. "Oh, are you?" He asked before he gave Michael a knowing glare. He slowly put down the tub and the two of them began tickling you. "No!" You squealed, swatting away at their hands to no avail. "Stop!" You screamed, kicking and hitting as the two didn't give up. "Guys!" You heard Calum say. They immediately stopped and looked at him at the front of the living room. "Mind keeping your hands off my girlfriend?" He asked harshly. Ashton's mouth dropped. "It's just a tickle fight." Michael argued. Luke nodded his head. "Seriously, it meant nothing Calum." You said. He turned away without a word and stormed into the kitchen. 'I am so sorry.' Luke mouthed to you. You nodded and walked into the kitchen, finding Calum there with his face in his hands. "Babe, what's wrong?" You asked him. "I'm such an idiot I'm sorry, I just got so jealous." He mumbled. "Hey, it's fine. It was kinda cute." You smirked. "I just.. I just realised we'd never had a tickle fight before." He whispered. You smiled as you poked his side. You two then had a massive tickle fight in the kitchen, causing worried and amused glances amongst the three in the living room.


Your boyfriend of 6 months Luke was currently in your living room as you darted around him making sure everything was spotless. You notice him acting coldly but figured it was just because you're not cuddling with him. "Do you think you could help?" You asked. "He's here in 20 minutes!" You shouted. He rolled his eyes. "Why does everything need to be perfect for him?" He asked you harshly. "Because he was my best friend and I haven't seen him for 5 years!" You shouted whilst dusting off the television. A few moments later the doorbell rang and you froze. "Omg, omg, omg." You chanted as you ran for the door. Luke stayed sitting on the couch. "Tyler!" You squealed as you opened the door and he engulfed you in a hug. He'd grown and was now even taller than Luke. "Dude you're buff, when did that happen?" You asked. Tyler laughed. "And you're even more gorgeous," he said. He then noticed Luke in the corner of his eye. "Oh, who's your friend?" He asked. Luke bit the inside of his cheek and stood up. "I'm her boyfriend." He said coldly. "Well uhm, Tyler this is Luke, Luke this is Tyler!" You said cheerfully. Tyler held out his hand. "Nice to meet you." He said. "Yeah." Luke said, opening the front door without shaking his hand. "Babe, where are you going?" You asked, holding the hand gripping the doorknob. "You guys obviously need to catch up on stuff so." He said nonchalantly. Tyler slowly walked towards the couch. "Stop being a stubborn jealous butt and sit down. I'm yours and only yours, okay?" You whispered in his ear. His expression softened. "I'm sorry." He turned and hugged you. "It's fine, come on." You smiled and pulled his hand towards the couch. "Nice to meet you too. Sorry about that." Luke said, holding out his hand. Tyler stood up. "No worries." He smiled.


You were at Ashton's place with Michael just hanging out. You were trying to play a video game with him but unfortunately you were failing miserably. You wanted to go see what Ashton was doing so you got up and left Michael alone. "Where you going babe?" He asked. "Just around." You replied. You walked around Ashton's house when you stumbled upon his drum set. You smiled. You sat down and began what you thought was a pretty good beat. That's when you noticed Ashton leaning against the door frame laughing. "You're terrible." He said. You groaned. "I can't play video games, I can't drum, what can I do?" You asked sadly. He pouted. "I could teach you?" He offered. Your face lit up. "Yay!" You cheered. He ushered you off and sat down, then patting his lap. You took a seat and he held your hands from behind, showing you a simple beat. Minutes later you were playing it on your own. "Hey, you're doing it!" Ashton cheered. You smiled at your accomplishment. You began playing the beat faster before you heard a cough at the doorway. You looked up and saw Michael standing there with his arms crossed. "Maybe you could not have my girlfriend sitting on your lap?" He directed at Ashton. His mouth dropped. "I was just teaching her how to-" he started. "Yeah, don't." Michael cut him off. "Michael! Calm down." You said as Ashton began slowly pushing you off him. You both stood up and you walked towards him. "I'll...go." Ashton said, running out of the room. Michael pinched the bridge of his nose. "What was that about?" You asked him. "You'd rather spend time with him than me." He mumbled. "No, that's not true!" You said. "And you've never asked me to teach you guitar." He said sadly. "He offered!" You replied. "Why'd he-" he started. "Because he saw how much I sucked." You laughed. He smiled. "I better go say sorry then." He said. "He gets an apology and I don't?" You raised an eyebrow. He kissed you quickly on the lips. "Sorry." He mumbled. You rolled your eyes. "Go." You pushed him towards the direction of Ashton.

A/N: check out my Luke fic, 'Mend Me?'

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