69 : Sound of Music

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Sorry guys. But this is not a chapter but rather an interaction session with my readers. First of all I would like to thank all of my readers who have supported my fanfiction. To get such good response is overwhelming.

Now down to business. I was going through the comments and I realised that people don't realised what the videos I put with the still picture of Ash and Serena are for. For those who haven't figured out. They are soundtrack video. Whenever you come across one you are just supposed to hit the play button and continue reading on. The background music is chosen to add emotion to the scene. 

So it hit me why don't we do a little trivia. Here is what I want you to do. I will put all the soundtrack video one by one by serial number down below along with the context in which the video has been used. You'll listen to the ENTIRE video. In the comment section you'll tell me 2 things per serial number of video.

a) From where have I got this soundtrack music for each serial number. 

b)You'll rate the video out of 10 to tell me how much in your eyes the video suits the purpose. The purpose is written just before the video for each serial number.

The winner gets to ask me one question about the future plot. Sound interesting?? So without further ado :-

1) Dragon Emperor enters the scene : Soundtrack used to give the Dragon Emperor an air of mystery.

Answers :-

Name of the Track : Thrawn's Web

Composer : Kevin Kiner

Source : Star War Rebels

Description : Thrawn is one of my all time favourite non Pokemon animated characters. The perfect ruthless antagonist whose cool, composed, calculating and strategizing skills are second to none.

2) Dragon Emperor vs Ash and Serena : This track is used to give a battle music different from the usual battle music which is given to Pokemon battles in my story.

Answers :-

Name of the Track : Meet Friends

Composer : Kenji Kawai

Source : Ip Man 2

Description : Music plays when Ip man duels with 3 masters on the top of a table when he wishes to open a Kung Fu school in Hong Kong. In order to be allowed to open the school he must remain standing on the table until the incense stick burns out. It's is one of the most elegant battles ever directed.

3) Ash, Serena and Dragon Emperor Stargazing : The video is used to highlight how beautiful and intimidatingly vast the night sky is. The first half of the soundtrack is for when Ash and Serena are stargazing. Then when it becomes dramatic for when Dragon Emperor is stargazing. When he give warnings and gives premonitions. Basically the second half is for when he says "Evil omens are appearing."

Answers :-

Name of the Track : No Time for Caution

Composer : Hans Zimmer

Source : Interstellar

Word : Frankly speaking I was a little shocked that the Interstellar track for the star gazing got the least rating but of course you are all entitled to your opinion at the end of the day.

Now let us see the average ratings out of 10 for all 3 Soundtracks. A total of 8 people gave their ratings. They are :-

1) poke-girlx

2) R0ck3t_FiRe

3) ItsAqil

4) nathancarter25

5) themightyewig

6) Raven2510

7) idealised

8) MrKingBling

Now we see their ratings and the result accordingly :-

Now we see their ratings and the result accordingly :-

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We find that :-

1) Soundtrack 1 = 8.1875

2) Soundtrack 2 = 8.375

3) Soundtrack 3 = 6.5

So there you go guys thanks for the valuable feedback. Also make sure to check which soundtrack is what written above the list of name who voted. Next chapter will be out in 3 days time.

Like always Viva Amourshipping.

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