50 : A Fierce Clash

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(4 days Later)

There is solemn silence in the stadium. All the champions alongside Ash and Serena wait in the battlefield in silence. Charles Goodshow is also waiting with the champions, growing impatient with every passing moment. The entire stadium is jam-packed. Media reporters from all over the world are present in KIP to shoot what many are calling the battle of the century. All the Elite Four, gym leaders, frontier brains from all the regions are present as well. All the professors and members of the Pokemon International League are also present. After all, not every day does one see a sight like this. All around the world, everyone who belongs to a region with an established Pokemon League, has their eyes glued to their TV screens.

Ash sees Lance nervously fiddling with his fingers, clearly perplexed at what's going to happen in the fated showdown. If Lance and the others win, that would be ideal but should all six of them lose, the consequences could be catastrophic for the future of the Pokemon league and by extension the world as well. Ash and Serena on the other hand, calmly await their master's arrival.

"He's late," Lance says in an impatient tone.

"The Dragon Emperor is never late. He's about to arrive," Serena replies.

"And how can you be sure of that?" Lance asks.

"Don't you feel it on your skin? The wind is picking up," Serena replies as everyone realizes that Serena is right.

Within moments a dark shadow appears on the other end of the stadium and it keeps increasing in size.

"What the hell?" Goodshow swears as the shadow soon eclipses the stadium leaving it in a state of darkness.

"He's here," Ash says as the shadow recedes to become smaller.

All the champions watch as the shadow which has now taken the form of a giant draconian winged creature flies over the stands. They all look to see a massive winged Pokemon flying high in the sky. Slowly but surely the Pokemon starts descending and after a while it becomes clear that the Pokemon is in fact a massive Noivern. Noivern lets out an unearthly cry as it circles the stadium at breakneck speed and then smoothly lands in front of the champions. It spreads its majestic wings and lets off another roar of powerful dominance.

"That's some Noivern alright," Lance mutters as Noivern stops roaring and then gazes back at the champions.

It raises its neck to the fullest length and then bows forward, only to reveal the Dragon Emperor who's standing on Noivern's back. His eyes are closed, his arms crossed and folded and his face slightly bent towards the front.

He relaxes his arms and then starts walking towards the champions. He walks right down Noivern's bowed neck and then takes a few steps on land before coming to a halt. He suddenly opens his eyes causing everyone in the VIP box, including Delia and Grace, to get unsettled for a few moments. His eyes are like two fireballs which can scorch anyone to dust with just its gaze should they wish to. His face is calm, like a dormant volcano which can go from zero to hundred in the blink of an eye. As the Dragon Emperor walks towards the Champions and his apprentices, suddenly without warning several of Ash and Serena's Pokemon come out of their Poke-balls without even being summoned, much to everyone's shock.

'What's going on?' Goodshow's mind starts running a marathon.

His answer gets answered almost immediately as the moment the Dragon Emperor is about to the cross, the Pokemon immediately bow down as he passes by. Everyone silently mutters as they all watch all of Ash and Serena's Pokemon on hand bowing to the Dragon Emperor without him even so much as acknowledging their presence. 

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