33 : Dealing with Rock Types

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(Next Morning after the Warm up is Complete)

"The first gym you will be challenging is the Cyllage city gym. Tell me who is the gym leader and what does he specialize in?" Dragon Emperor says.

"Well Grant is the Cyllage City gym leader. He specializes in Rock types." Serena replies.

"Rock types. Interesting. One of the most weak when it comes to defense but quite powerful when it comes to attack. So let us start with defense. Ash tell me What are rock types vulnerable to?" Dragon Emperor asks Ash.

"That's easy. They are weak against water, grass, steel, fighting and ground types." Ash replies.

"Good. Now that we are studying battle strategies the pattern of study will be different. Both Theory and Practical shall be studied together. In the night before dinner you will drop your tired Pokemon at the Pokemon center before going to bed and bring them back in the morning. Is that understood?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"Yes." They both reply.

"Good. Now let us come to the first type with an advantage over rock type and that is water. Before we discuss that tell me what is water?" Dragon Emperor asks the duo.

"U mm. It is a colorless, tasteless and odorless liquid with a chemical formula of H2O." Serena says.

"Yes. But it is much more than that. Water is the element of flow. An element of life. Water teaches us acceptance. To master water Pokemon you must release your emotions and allow them to lead you to wherever they take you just like a stream of water finding it's own path." Dragon Emperor says.

"But how does that help us?" Ash replies.

"You will never be able to master a Pokemon of a particular type if you haven't mastered that type first. By mastering I mean understanding the essence of that Type's characteristics."

"But if we allow your emotions to take us wherever they lead how are we to take informed decisions in heat of battle?" Serena asks.

"A very good question. That is also why I am starting with water type first because it can be tricky. How to battle while releasing your emotions yet ensuring that your mind only takes strength from these emotions and uses them against your enemy in the battle and not drift with the flowing emotions is the key to mastering water type Pokemon." Dragon Emperor replies.

"But I don't have a water type Pokemon." Serena says looking crestfallen.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Ash says with a grin to the confusion of both Dragon Emperor and Serena.

"What do you mean?" Serena asks while Dragon Emperor is also eyeing Ash with a suspicious eye.

"U mm. Well you see the thing is that before we left for Cyllage city do you remember we had our big fight. Before I came back to our apartment I also thought of getting you a present as an apology. So I was racking my brains very hard when I ran into Lucy." Ash says.

"The Battle pike queen who is dating Brock?" Serena enquirers.

"Yup. One look at my face and she figured out something was wrong. When I told her everything and what I was doing she gave me the perfect idea for a present." Ash says.

"Which was?" Serena asks with a feeling of excitement.

"She told me that her Milotic ha given birth to a Feebas which she had raised into another Milotic. After Lucy came to Kalos she released the Milotic in a lake nearby. Since the lake was one route to KIP I stopped by and caught it before coming back. Well here you go." Ash says while taking out a Poke-ball and tossing it revealing a Milotic. Serena was speechless for a moment after seeing it.

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