chapter 16

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The bright light streaming into the bedroom woke me up out of a sound sleep, blinding my very sensitive hung over eyes; my head was pounding as a result of last night. I opened my eyes groggily and realized I wasn’t in the guest bedroom where I was supposed to have slept last night. Suddenly I realized a pair of bare strong arms wrapped around me and carefully rolled over to be face-to-face with a familiar curly headed boy. My entire body tingled; nothing in the world could even come close to the feeling of waking up in Harry Styles arms. Three months ago if you told me I would be waking up beside Harry I would have told you that you were crazy. Three days ago I was simply dreaming of being in the position I was in right now, and now that I was here I was sure that this is exactly how I wanted to wake up every single day for the rest of my life. I smiled to myself remembering how quickly things had changed. I spent so long depressed and trying to get over Harry and now here I was, reminiscing over easily the best day of my life.

Yesterday was perfection; there was no other way to put it. I had dreamed of the moment I would see Harry again, but I never could have even begun to dream up what happened yesterday. Just looking up at him on stage being in his presence was magical, but the way he put my name straight in the song, every word sang was meant for me. The way he came up behind me during Give Me Love and sang softly into my ear, pulling me out to the parking lot confessing his love for me. The way we kissed after so long but it felt like no time had passed. The way I felt so at home with him, even though I was far from it. The asked me to be his girlfriend so nervously, doing karaoke at the club and dancing with him and then… and then…

 Wait. What happened after that? All of a sudden my state of high dissolved as my heart dropped and I was sure my face paled. I couldn’t remember a damn thing that happened after that point. I desperately tried to retrace my steps but everything was a drunken blur. Oh no. I was drunk last night. No good ever came from a drunk Charlie Parker. Drunk Charlie was easy Charlie. Shit. I shot my pounding head under the covers and was relieved to find I was still wearing my pajamas. Okay whatever did happen last night, at least I didn’t do anything I would have regretted not being able to remember. A rustling began beside me as my body was squeezed tighter to Harry’s bare chest and I felt my cheeks get hot being pressed up against him. I wondered if I would ever get used to the fact that I was dating Harry Styles, if the butterflies would fade away, or if the smile that lit up my face whenever his eyes met mine would disappear eventually. I wondered how long this feeling, this love, would last. I silently hoped forever, but all that mattered was right here in this moment, because right now Harry was mine and I was his, and everything else in between.

I turned to face him and watched him sleep, his eyes fluttering in a dream. I could watch him sleep forever, something was so beautiful about watching the man I love in such a peaceful state, but I was interrupted when his eyes flickered open.

“Good morning” I said cheerfully kissing his penis nose and he groaned groggily “how long have you been watching me you creeper?”

I playfully hit his arm and he smiled widely at me in response. I was taken aback by my own mind, which was buzzing about, wondering what went on last night. My eyes dropped, breaking from his stare and Harry just looked down at me with my hands on his chest snuggled into him, searching my face, catching onto my silence and his eyebrows knit together in confusion.

“What’s wrong love?” he asked genuinely, sitting up and facing me.

“I-I don’t really know how to say this but…” I hesitated but was cut off abruptly.

“Oh no” he interrupted, putting his face in his hands and shaking his head “You regret it. You regret everything. I knew I shouldn’t have asked you to be my girlfriend, I knew it was too soon. My feelings just got the best of me. I just love you Charlie” my eyes widened and his mouth fell open as he fought for words “Shit I shouldn’t have said that this is so soon I’m sorry I’m so stupid” he said burying his face into his lap. I took his chin in my hand, tilted his head up and planted a kiss firmly on his lips, his own smiling into it.

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