chapter 6

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“JUMP!” I called out and we reacted simultaneously, her small body landing on top of mine straddling my torso. She looked down at me studying my face as I did the same. I was surprised when I saw her eyes lower to my lips but instinctively I did the same. Before I could even realize what I was doing I pressed my lips to hers and felt a spark between us – it was like no kiss I ever had. I sat up to get into it and she placed her small hands against my chest, my skin warming at her touch. I couldn’t help but smile as we broke apart, foreheads together, taking each other in. Something in her eyes changed and I was desperate for answers as to where this left us but was suddenly caught off guard by the one person I didn’t want to hear right now.


Charlie and I practically jumped away from each other as we broke apart to see a very angry Louis Tomlinson fuming on the porch. Shit. I wondered how long he had been standing there but based on the look on his face I knew he had seen enough.

“Louis I can explain – “ I started, not actually having any idea what my explanation consisted of, but I knew I had to say something.

“Save it, Harry. I told you not to do this. I don’t know what makes me more mad, that you completely ignored me, or that my two best friends went behind my back.”

“Louis!” Charlie cried jumping up after him, tears reforming in her eyes too soon. She grabbed onto his shirt and he spun around to face her. “Charlie, just go inside. I need to have a word with Harry. Alone.”

Charlie’s eyes met mine, silently giving me some encouragement as she hesitantly made her way to the backdoor and into the house, leaving Louis and I alone in the silence of the dark night.

Louis skeptically made his way over to my spot on the grass and sat down beside me. I felt his presence but was honestly scared to make eye contact with him, in fear that he would hit me. I’ve never had tension with Louis, we were the two best mates out of everyone, but the feeling between us was unlike any other moment we had shared together. I peaked up at him, and noticed he was looking up at the stars, deep in thought. I knew I should say something, and before I could even figure out where I was going to go with this, I started.

“I’m sorry.” I almost whispered, causing Louis to turn to me. His facial expression had completely changed since he had sat down. When he first entered the backyard it was hard and full of anger, but I saw it soften as his stare met mine.

“No Harry” he sighed, “I should be the one apologizing.”

I was startled by the response, but sat up to face him, searching his face for answers.

“You’re my best mate Harry. You know that; everybody knows that. But Charlie is like a little sister to me, it was instinctive for me to just try and protect her –“

 “But Lou, like you said, I’m your best mate. Why are you trying to protect her from me?”

“Because she’s broken Harry” his voice cracked as if he was choking back tears when he spoke. The sincerity in his eyes as he continued showed me how much he genuinely did care about Charlie. “She’s vulnerable and completely alone in this world. Until arriving here I was all she had. I’ve seen her at her best and her worst, and I know she’s not emotionally ready for whatever I just caught you two doing. It’s just too soon. You’ve been with so many girls Harry, you’re a self-proclaimed man whore, and don’t get me wrong Haz, I admire your cheeky charm with the ladies but this is my Charlie we’re talking about” he rambled on “She’s never been in love before – but I saw the way she was looking at you. I saw a sparkle in her eyes – a sparkle that had been gone for so long through these past few weeks– but I noticed today that whenever her eyes met yours, even just for a second, it reappeared. And walking out on the two of you together, she looked so happy with you; I would give anything to keep that pure joy put in her eyes, but I’m just afraid for her. You’re so experienced Haz, and she isn’t. I can’t have my best friend break her heart.”

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