The Wave Mission Part 1

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Sakura's POV

It has been three weeks since we've officially become Team Seven. It has also been three weeks of non stop D-rank missions. I can't really say that they have been torture, since they're just chores. Everyone else just whines because they're boring and although I can agree to that, they're not that bad.

I did like the time we spent doing them, because they helped bond our team. Tora the cat had been a frequent mission, probably twice a week. Other missions included, cleaning the library, gardening, babysitting—which I enjoyed—and other such tasks.

Sasuke hadn't really opened up to the team yet, besides the constant bickering with Naruto. However, I could tell we were getting somewhere with him.

Naruto was ecstatic, he never sat still. Always trying his best to beat Sasuke. That would usually end up getting him in trouble.

Kakashi was more relaxed within the group, finally taking out his book. I had advised him only once that if he ever read that book in the presence of younger kids, I would burn his collection. I think he understood how serious I was, for he didn't stick around for long during such missions.

I pretty much just stayed the same as always. Taking care of the guys and chastising them when I had to. I had made myself clear to all the guys that I wasn't going to be left out and protected. In fact, it was I who had to take care of them. It was during our first training day on the first week that I had told them.

Kakashi had asked me to sit and observe while he fought each boy. I knew he had trust in my ability, however, their tendencies to protect was also there.

Right after he finished sparring with Naruto, I asked for him to spar with me. We had used the bells again, it had become our preferred training method. We each had a bell tied to our waist and the objective was just to get the other's bell.

He was going to excuse himself when I had ran towards him, ready to begin. There was going to be no way, that I was going to be seen as somebody who couldn't handle a situation.

I didn't exactly get a bell, only grazing the stupid thing, before he had ended the spar by getting mine. I was pleased to know from Naruto's chatter, that I had done a good job. He said he could barely keep up with some of our movements. Even though it was purely Taijutsu and we were both holding back, Kakashi a lot more than me of course.

Every spar there after was done with equal participation. No one was left out. Kakashi had yet to really show us anything, preferring to bond above everything else. During the three hours before his arrival, I insisted we train during that time.

Naruto had agreed right away, and Sasuke not minding the extra training, joined soon after. I pushed for exercising our bodies instead of doing jutsus. We ran, and performed other exercises that would help our stamina and natural senses.

I knew the wave mission was coming up soon and I wanted them to be safe and a bit more prepared. Having adopted the role of substitute teacher during those three hours, I made them practice without using a certain sense for certain situations.

Not wanting to rush them, I focused on their hearing. Blindfolding them, I then began to engage them in a light Taijutsu-only spar. Kakashi had arrived but stayed hidden on our third practice day. The lazy teacher opted to stay out of sight and read or observe us.

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