The Last Meeting

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For the first hour or so of running in the woods, I was filled with paranoia. Constantly, I was looking behind and all around me. Every so often I would stop shortly and see if there were any incoming chakras. Luckily after a couple hours, I couldn't sense anything pursuing me, so I was able to relax slightly.

It looks like Naruto wasn't coming back for me.

There were only a few problems that would come my way. But, with all the time I have to run, I had time to think about how to deal with things. First off, I don't know specifically where the fighting is. Is it in one place? Is it spread out in different areas? All I know is that all of the ninjas from all of the villages are fighting together. Luckily, they are all wearing the same headband so it'll be easy to spot.

I'm sure that Kabuto would know that I'm out on the field and that all of the Edo Tenseis that are still intact would not attack me. There are also Zetsus out fighting as well, and I know for a fact that they wouldn't attack me. Maybe if I'm lucky, I could come across one and it can help me find the Elders.

Branching from that problem would be the Leaf shinobi. I'm sure that when Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi-sensei returned to Konoha, they would've informed at least the higher ups of my position. But, from the looks of the shinobi from the safe houses, their surprised reactions leave a lot to question. How many Leaf do know of my defection and which ones don't?

Running into the shinobi that do know my defection would be one of the worst case scenarios. Even worse would be if a group of them. If it was one on one, I could possibly pick them off one by one, but if it was a group of strong shinobi, I would have a problem. The best thing for me to do, especially at night, would be to try to stay low and search the camps without making a scene. Hopefully, I won't run into any of the Hyuga family. With their Byakugan they could probably sense me, especially if Hinata and Neji are aware of my defection, which they probably are.

The other worst case and maybe the worst of all would be that Naruto's clone returned to the original or went to the camps to inform that I am on my way. Most likely, this is what will happen. While I'm searching, I'm sure that there will be lots of security. However, many ninjas are injured and the strong ones are probably still fighting. If I'm lucky, I'll just be dealing with a chuunin or maybe a jounin that I can overpower with my Rinnegan.

Taking a quick glance at the sky, I noticed that now it was changing from afternoon to darker shades of pink and purple and orange. If I was just strolling the forest for no apparent reason, I probably would have stopped to admire the changing sky. But this wasn't just any day. It was probably the most important day of my life.

The day where my revenge would be finally complete.

After that night, I've spent so many years trying to figure out who those people were who were wearing the black cloaks with red clouds. It wasn't until that time when Jiraiya took Naruto and me to find Tsunade, when Itachi and Kisame came for Naruto. That's when I learned of Akatsuki's existence and when I began to work so hard to find them. Of course defeating Kakuzu and Hidan—well Shikamaru beat him but what can I do about it—made me feel even more complete, but my revenge grew from not just beating them but all of Akatsuki. Who would've thought that the real culprits weren't them, but the people closest to me my entire life?

Just thinking about what those Elders did made me cringe and growl. They butted their heads where they shouldn't have and now look what they have done. First with Itachi and now my parents. How could Naruto or any other Leaf shinobi support the atrocious things they've done?

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