From the Beginning Part Five

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So this is the end of the side story/background. Next chapter will get back to the main story with our dear main heroine   

Her limbs ached, her lungs were on fire, and all she wanted to do was just fall to the ground and rest.

Hina and Megumi stood back to back, repelling any attackers who dared to come their way. It was another day of full battle and Hina was honestly exhausted and annoyed by all of this constant fighting. There was rarely a day that a fight didn't exist in.

And of course, the main battle going on was the Senju vs. the Uchiha.

Being the head of the Hanninzowa, Hina received notice that both clans wanted assistance in this battle. And being a member of the Hanninzowa clan, a clan that is always between the Senju and Uchiha, she couldn't refuse. So, Hina gathered the members of the relatively small clan and majority voted on helping the Senju. Luckily, this didn't apply to the members who wanted to help the Uchiha. Members were allowed to help who they wanted.

But, Hina hated this. By doing this, members were usually pit against each other and instead of unifying as a clan, it was always split between supporters of the Uchiha and supporters of the Senju.

The good thing was that being head of the clan, Hina was exempt from choosing which side in battle. The job of the head on the battlefield is to protect her clan members, be it from the Senju and the clans that support them or the Uchiha and their supporting clans.

The fighting was going on for all day and Hina just wanted it to all stop. Ahead of her, she could see Hashirama and Madara go at it once again. The sight just made Hina all the more depressed and all the more exhausted. Why did they have to fight? The two whom she cared about deeply?

It wasn't until she saw Madara collapse to the ground, that her exhaustion disappeared and she felt a burst of strength. Immediately, Hina raced over to the scene where Hashirama along with Tobirama stood over Madara. Megumi followed her as well, and the two joined everyone else.

Tobirama raised a sword over Madara. "Madara, this is the end."

Hina's eyes widened as he was ready to strike it down. She finally ran over to where they were and she grabbed Tobirama's hand. "Don't do it!" She exclaimed, her heart pumping at the thought of Madara dying.  

Hashirama raised his hand. "Wait, Tobirama."

Tobirama looked at his brother. "This is our chance!"

Then, Hashirama gave Tobirama a look that made everyone around freeze. It was a commanding look and a final look. "I won't allow you to lay a hand on him."

At his words, Hina's racing heart slowed down. Hashirama won't let any harm fall on Madara right now. This made her happy and relieved.

"Might as well make it quick, Hashirama."

Hina snapped her gaze at Madara as he uttered these words. She froze as her heart dropped. Was he just willing to give up everything now? After Hashirama was going to allow him to live? Was he just going to give up her now and let her be alone?

"What are you talking about?" Hina exclaimed, tears threatening her eyes.

She couldn't decrypt the expression that Madara wore as he looked at her. 

Hashirama said, "Can't we settle this like how we used to?"

Madara turned his attention to Hashirama. "We can't...I'm not the same as you anymore...I don't have any siblings left, and I can't trust you."

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