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"So, how exactly are we going to find the Raikage?" I asked, dubiously as we sped through the woods. So far we've been traveling for an hour in pure silence.

At first it wasn't awkward, I actually needed to it cool down. I needed it to just get all my fuming out, but now that I felt fine, the silence was getting me. Normally, I don't really enjoy it when things are purely silent. Unless it's needed then I'm all for it, but right now is not that situation anymore.

"I have a clone that's following those Cloud Shinobi who came to visit Danzo. They'll eventually make their way to the Raikage." Yamato-taichou responded to me.

"Cloud Shinobi..." I muttered to myself trying to remember them, and then it came to me. They were those two ninjas that were trying to find out about Sasuke.

"What exactly happened to those ninjas?" I asked aloud, but mainly Naruto since he claimed he would deal with them. 

As I looked at Naruto, I paused, now noticing the bandages on his face and the bruises. My eyes widened, how did I not notice this before!? I scolded myself for not taking a close enough look at my close friend. "What did they do to you?" I asked, gravely to Naruto, my gaze hardening.

Naruto scratched his head, not slowing down his speed. "Um...well, I said they could take the anger they felt for Sasuke and inflict it on me."

My jaw dropped. "You did what?!"

He looked away from me and focused on what was in front of him. I went closer to him. "You shouldn't have let me go, I could've helped you and made sure they didn't hurt you!"

"But then, all the hate they would feel for Sasuke would build up and then the cycle of revenge and hate would keep on going," Naruto explained, coolly.

I frowned. "I get that, but at the cost of you getting hurt?! You should consider the feelings of your friends and now how they feel about these Cloud Shinobi that hurt you."

Naruto looked at me in the eyes, his blue ones bearing into mine, "Don't do it, (Y/N)."

"Do what?"

"Take revenge on them. Like I said, the cycle will just keep on going. I don't want to keep on going, I just want it to end completely."

With that he returned his gaze away from me and the silence returned. I bit my lip, "You shouldn't have to carrying the burden all by yourself. Let those close to you help you." I said softly. "I want to help you. You should rely on me and Sakura, Sai and the others a little more. We care about you, and we want to help you."

Naruto smiled softly, his cheeks tinting with rose. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." Then he turned to me with a grin. "So, why did you wanna leave Konoha right now."

I sighed softly, looking away from the blond to the woods in front of me and the figures of Kakashi-sensei and Yamato-taichou in front of us. Naruto noticed my change in mood, and his grin faltered. "Sorry, too soon..."

"No, it's fine." I assured him. "Just had a...falling out with someone..." I chose my words carefully. But I gave Naruto a smile. "But, don't worry about me! We need to find the Raikage right now!"

Naruto nodded and sped up. I had to speed up as well to catch up with him.

Soon the scenery changed, and we were entering colder weather. Snow started to build up as we moved along and it was piling up on the tree branches and leaves. As we jumped from branch to branch, the snow would crunch under our feet. Luckily, since we moved so fast, we didn't slip on the snow.

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