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I was lying on the ground with my hands behind my head. It's been a few hours since Enya, Kyo and Wakako were here. So far, it's been silent and I had a lot of time to ponder on what I want to do now. From what I could tell, there was a guard in front of tent, but I'm sure the others trusted that I wouldn't run away.

Now that I have committed a crime, all I could think of now was what my punishment would be. I would accept it full heartedly, but there was a little bit of fear when I thought of how I would be punished. They'll probably keep me here for the rest of the war and I really don't want that. I want to go out and fight, but there's no way they would let me.

I wonder how Naruto is doing? 

This war was over him basically, overall. I let a silent curse out. If I wasn't here, I would be able to make sure that he wouldn't be captured. From what I understand, Tobi needs him to complete what he is planning to do.

Thinking of Naruto, my mind wandered to Sasuke. The last I saw him was when I left with Zetsu. I wonder how he's doing as well. Has his eyes healed?

My eyes widened as I realized that they probably have. I shot upward from the ground. If they've healed, there's no doubt that he will head for Konoha. Not only are they vulnerable now because of war, but Sasuke must have become stronger due to Itachi's eyes. If he goes for Konoha, he'll be hurting hundreds of innocent people.

I bit my lip. I can't have him do that, but in order to stop him I would have to leave here. I can't necessarily do that either. If I leave, the punishment will get bigger and it will get people more suspicious of me. What should I do?

I spent the next few minutes thinking of an answer. Stay here or escape? Escaping would honestly be a lot better than staying here, but if I escape who knows how everyone else will react? Then again, if I do stop Sasuke from hurting Konoha, maybe my punishment will get reversed since I helped the village.

I really don't want to be punished. I know the people from the interrogation squad and their torturing methods. I have no doubt that I will go through that and just by thinking of what might happen to me made me cringe.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes, trying to sense the chakras around me. So far, all I could sense was the one guard at the front of the tent. If I had to escape, it would have to be at the back. I crept to the back of the tent and lifted the tent bottom a little. Peeking through, I could sense only a few shinobi walking about.

"Alright." I muttered to myself. "Let's do this."

Making the right hand signals, I created a shadow clone of myself. It laid down where I previously was while I began to slip through the bottom of the tent's end. Luckily, there were no shinobi passing the tent at that time so I was able to slip without anyone seeing me.

Once I was completely out of the tent, I took a look at my surroundings. It was dark, signaling nighttime and a lot of the ninjas were tending to the injured. Now that all the Zetsus were defeated, there was no chaos that I could use to my convenience.

I began to walk briskly by the edge of the camp behind all the tents. Making sure not to make too much noise, I was walking mainly on the tips of my toes. I was constantly looking around me and checking for chakras to see if there was anyone that could possibly see me.

A light bulb went off in my head as I pause momentarily. Digging into my pocket, I found the headband that I took when I first entered the camp. Surely, not everyone knows who I am nor what I look like. Just like before, if I wear this, I have a slimmer chance of getting caught. It would look more suspicious if I was walking around without one.

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