Ten Tails

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The Ten Tails was being held down by some sort of jutsu that Hashirama put on it. Sasuke and Naruto were nearing closer and closer with each passing minute, tearing down enemies as they did so. I continued to stay above ground in the sky to observe over everything. While I was mainly trying to aid Naruto and Sasuke to make sure they reached the Ten Tails, I kept an eye on the other shinobi around me. I watched their battles as well, helping those who struggled also.

Sasuke was standing on his giant snake, activating his Susanoo. Once again, I stared in awe at it. I don't think I've still gotten used to the fact that these two boys have been getting stronger and stronger with each passing minute. His Susanoo raised its giant arm and a bow formed along with an arrow made of black fire. The inextinguishable flames.

As an enemy was making its way to him, I ordered the eagle to race over to his side. The eagle lowered itself lower as put my hands out. "Elemental Jutsu: Water Bomb!"

Large orbs of water came out from my palms as they hit the enemies by Sasuke. Just as they were defeated, the Susanoo drew back the arrow and let it rip. The arrow soared into the air, and just as it went out, Naruto was right nearby with his toad. Activating an even stronger Rasengan, Naruto threw his jutsu in the same direction as the arrow and the two collided. But instead of cancelling out, they combined together to form an even stronger attack.

My eyes widened as I could feel the strength of the attack from where I was. An agonized scream escaped from the Ten Tails as the jutsu impacted it. The black flames spread throughout the body of the creature. More yells and screams erupted from the Ten Tails, shaking the ground.

I made my way closer to the duo, flying right above them. Naruto turned to Sasuke, "Put out the flames now, Sasuke! It's weakened enough. We need to pull out the Tailed Beasts out of it!"

"Let it burn." Was all that left Sasuke's lips. 

I frowned at what he said. "What are you saying Sasuke? Do as Naruto says!"

Before he could reply to me, the Ten Tails cut of the part of its body that had the flames on it from the main body. The three of us looked in shock as the flames no longer affected the creature. Sasuke quickly extinguished the flames and they disappeared from our sight.

What's going on? I hopped off my eagle, telling it that it could go away now. I looked up at the Ten Tails, noticing a figure that I didn't see before sitting atop of its head. The person was wearing a familiar dark cloak and clothing that I have seen many times.

"Is...that Tobi?" I asked aloud, staring at the figure.

"Tobi isn't his real name," Naruto responded, looking up at the figure with me. "His real name is Obito Uchiha and he was Kakashi-sensei's old teammate. He's being manipulated by Madara."

Frowning, I narrowed my eyes. At least now I know the true identity of the face behind that mask. Getting a closer look at him, I let out a soft gasp as I saw the state he was in. There was a giant hole in the middle of chest along with two black rods impaled in his right arm. The rods reminded me a little of those that Pein used back when he attacked Konoha.

"What's he doing?!" I exclaimed, noticing he had his hands in a hand signal.

Before anyone could answer me, Sasuke and his snake rushed up the Ten Tails towards Obito. Activating his Susanoo once again, the Susanoo jumped in the air, aiming its bow and arrow at Obito. His snake disappeared once the Susanoo jumped.

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