Old Memories

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A fleeting feeling of despair comes upon me as I see the Ten Tails. Never have I ever been in a battle that has been this intense. I felt as if I've been put into every war and battle that I've read about when I was learning to be a Genin. But, I had a feeling that this battle was nothing compared to the ones that I've read.

No, this battle seemed even more dangerous for the fate of the world.

The Ten Tails stood there for a second before it started to fall down to the ground. Was it not strong enough? Did we weaken it enough already? In the back of my mind, I knew that this could not possibly be the case. In a loud booming noise, the back of the Ten Tails burst open and the entire creature turned into a large tree. A larger tree than the one before with the flowers. This one didn't just reach the sky—it reached the heavens.

I could spot that branches sprouted from this tree and started to attack the shinobi army. I couldn't see exactly what it was doing where I was standing, but I could sense a major decrease in chakra all around me.

"(Y/N)! Watch out!"

I jerked at Naruto's voice, noticing the large branch coming my way. My breath caught in my throat and I quickly grabbed my katana, slashing at the wood before it could touch me. But the moment the branch fell, another took its place, pursuing me.

"What's up with these things?" I exclaimed, cutting down all the branches that surrounded me.

 Naruto was in the same situation, but he wasn't faring far less than me. I raced towards him, knowing him and his luck, he was bound to be captured by these branches.. I didn't know what they did, but my gut was screaming at me that it wasn't something good.

Quickly, I was becoming overwhelmed. The branches seemed endless and the early stages of fatigue were coming. The early frenzy of war started to fade the longer I stood on the battlefield. When speaking of war, many older shinobi talk about the rush that courses through one's veins as they fight their enemy, forgetting any pain or fatigue in their body. But, that is a high that does not last forever, and when it does crash, it crashes hard. I gripped my katana tighter—I cannot afford to feel this way in the middle of war. If I do, it will cost my life.

I felt something snake down to my leg and before I could cut it with my katana, I was jerked up into the air upside-down. I tried to slash at the branch, but it was as if my strength and energy was draining out of me—my chakra, my energy, my life was all disappearing. I could feel my body going limp in the grasp of the branch and it took all that I had to hold onto my katana.

My hold on my weapon was loosening and I could feel my body thin. My breathing was getting shorter and shorter and it hurt to breath.


Next to me I saw Naruto in the same situation I was in. He was being held tight by the branches as well.

"(Y/N)...don't...in!" He exclaimed, but I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. It all came in pauses as the life was leaving the two of us. 

A loud slash echoed and I could feel my body falling into the arms of someone. I couldn't get a good look at the person, but all I could feel was myself being transported and hear a voice calling me.

"(Y/N), what happened?!" It was Sasuke's voice, growing louder as he approached me. 

Slowly, I could feel my chakra coming back to me, although it was very slow. But, it was enough that if I needed to fight, I would be able to hold my ground for a few minutes. My vision came to me as I forced my eyes open to gaze at my savior. 

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