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I felt moved as Hashirama finished his story. He finished telling his story of how the village came to be as it did, and I had no idea that that was what had happened. It made feel thankful that our world was not in constant war and battle.

Yet, in Hashirama's story, I couldn't help but feel sympathy for both sides. For both Madara and Hashirama. 

And for Hina. 

It was odd listening to someone else talk about my clan who experienced my history first-hand. I couldn't help but feel troubled by the suspicion against my clan that grew since the formation of the village. That same suspicion which had my parents killed by association with the Uchiha's. My heart clenched, conflicted by his story. Growing up, I had always been a source of admiration due to my clan, but maybe behind that was a growing fear that I would grow up to be a threat to the village. Maybe they were right. I did kill the Elders...but that was revenge for that suspicion. 

I glanced down at the floor. Maybe it truly was a cycle of violence and death. 

"I don't know how Madara got resurrected, but I know that that day, I slew my best friend and lost my other one forever." Hashiram said with a solemn look on his face. "But...I did it all for the sake of the village. The village was finally a place where our dream had come true. A place where we could have peace and not have young kids kill each other. I believed that my actions were for the greater good. As shinobi, we are faced with impossible choices to achieve our dreams. And depending on what dream you have, you have no choice but to do what you can to keep them. Just like Madara and I had to."

I looked at Sasuke, anticipating his answer. In fact, all of us were looking at him. We were all waiting to see what he would do next after hearing Hashirama's story. In my head, I was hoping that he wouldn't attack the village. I wouldn't want to see hundreds of innocent people get hurt. The suspicions targeted against me weren't from the many but the powerful few which I had dealt with already. I wouldn't want to drag those who weren't involved into more chaos, which would only further fuel this cycle of suspicion and animosity. 

Hashirama spoke up once again. "Going back to what Orochimaru said, what is going on with 'Madara has been resurrected and has began a genocide of all shinobi'?"

I answered his question. On the way here, Orochimaru and Sasuke filled me in with all the information I was missing out at first. They told me what Madara was planning to do with the world and the shinobi. "Madara is planning something called 'Infinite Tsukiyomi'. If he goes with this plan, the whole world will be under genjutsu and everyone will be in a dream-like state where they can dream how they want their world to be., I said.

Sasuke frowned alongside of me. "If that does happen, nothing will matter. Everything that my brother tried to protect will all be for nothing."

A soft smile fell on my lips. Maybe he's close to realizing what his will for the future will be. I know for me, I can't judge since my will has been changed so many times that at some moments I question what I'm doing. I guess I felt a little envious that Sasuke was closer to realizing what he will do. So far, what I want to do is to continue protecting those close me.

"Have you reached a decision. Sasuke?" Orochimaru asked the Uchiha. "Crush the village or...?"

Sasuke closed his eyes and went into deep thought. I held my breath as I waited for those eyes to reopen themselves with his verdict.

"We will join the battle! I won't let my brother's life and the village be destroyed like some afterthought!" Sasuke opened his eyes, his will unwavering and final.

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