First Test

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"Will you fight me right here?" Rock Lee's voice rang out loud in the room that he and Squad 7 were occupying. His question was directed towards Sasuke.

Wakako gasped next to me. We were spying on Rock Lee and Squad 7 on a balcony above the shinobi. "Are they really gonna fight?" She turned to us with worry written on her face.

"Knowing Sasuke, he'll probably accept." Kyo replied, shrugging. I sighed as well. That would be a Sasuke thing to do.

"My name is Rock Lee," Rock Lee told Sasuke. "When you want to learn a person's name you tell them yours first, right?"

Sasuke smirked at the boy. "I'm Sasuke Uchiha."

"I want to test my techniques, so I wanna fight you." Rock Lee stated casually. "You are part of one the genius ninja clans. This would be great training before the exams."

Sasuke turned away from Rock Lee. He obviously was not interested in fighting Rock Lee right now.

"You could fight (Y/N). She's a member of the Hanninzowa clan." Sasuke waved him off. Immediately, I jumped out of my hiding spot, "Don't make plans of me fighting people when I'm not here!" I yelled at Sasuke.

Everyone's heads turned to me as I pointed a disapproving finger at Sasuke. A sweat drop appeared on his head, "You've been hiding the whole time..."

Kyo and Wakako got out of our hiding spot, standing next to me. "You blew our spot, (Y/N)," Kyo pinched my nose. "Not very ninja like, is it?"

"Sorry." I laughed as I pinched his nose back. Then I turned my attention back to Sasuke and Rock Lee. "And I don't fight unless I need too. I don't waste my time and chakra on some petty fight before exams." I stared at the two coldly. I don't want to be fighting before this important exam! Why were these two planning to fight anyways? That would be stupid!

They're eyes widened. "S-Sorry (Y/N)," they muttered. I smiled brightly at their reactions. My squad and I came down to head towards the others.

"Wait!" Naruto interrupted. "Lemme take care of thick-brows!" Before everyone could stop him, Naruto charged at Rock Lee.

Rock Lee sighed, not even bothering to get into a fighting stance as Naruto advanced towards him. "I don't want to fight you. I want to fight Uchiha."

Naruto scowled, "Enough of Sasuke, and (Y/N) too! I'm strong too!"

I could see the emotions swirling in his eyes and I could feel my heart drop. Is this how Naruto feels? I didn't realize that I was indirectly hurting him. It wasn't something that I could prevent but it still made me feel a little guilty.

Right as Naruto was going to attack, Rock Lee evaded him, putting his own attack. "Naruto!" I cried, as he was thrown across the wall by one of Rock Lee's attacks. He's really fast! And strong!

Sasuke was watching the whole exchange, and once Naruto was thrown to the wall, interest sparked in him. "Hmph, I'll fight you." Sasuke smirked as he got into his fighting stance.

"We only have thirty minutes left! Don't do it Sasuke!" Sakura cried out. Sasuke ignored her and charged at Rock Lee. Rock Lee dodged his attack with ease, and began to counter- attack, "Leaf Spinning Wind!" He called out as he did some taijutsu move. Sasuke barely managed to dodge. I stared at the fight in awe. Rock Lee was very skilled at taijutsu. He's so good. I want to be able to do what he does! I declared to myself.

Sasuke flew across the room, as one of Rock Lee's attacks hit him in the face. As Sasuke got up from the ground, I gasped. He activated his Sharingan.

He then charged at Rock Lee. Oh no, now Rock Lee has no chance—My thoughts were interrupted by the multiple gasps around the room. Rock Lee kicked Sasuke in the face, sending him flying in the air. He beat his Sharingan!

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