What Now?

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Tsunade, Shikamaru, Sakura and I all stood at the front gate of Konoha with Naruto as he was preparing to leave with Fukasaku. Apparently, Fukasaku was going to take him to some place called Myobokuzan to train.

"Say your goodbyes Naruto," Fukasaku said to him, "We're going to be leaving now."

Naruto turned to us, "Uh...well good luck on decoding that sentence, Shikamaru, (Y/N)."

I smiled at him, "Don't worry, we got it!" I wrapped my arm on Shikamaru's shoulders, "We'll crack the code in no time!"

"Just worry about your training, Naruto." Shikamaru told him, returning my side hug, giving my shoulders a squeeze. "We got this."

"We'll leave a communication frog if you need give Naruto information or get in touch with him." Fukasaku said.

"Good luck, Naruto!" Sakura told him and he smiled at her.


Then he turned around, ready to leave until he froze. "Um, where exactly is this Myobokuzan place?"

The Elder Frog laughed, "It would take us a month if we walked there, so we will be taking a secret route."

"Oh, okay!" Naruto turned to us and flashed us a smile, "See you guys later!"

Then in a puff of smoke, the two disappeared from our view. I started to get ready to leave, "C'mon Shikamaru, we have a code to crack."

Shikamaru nodded, and then the two of us took off. I said bye to Sakura and Tsunade and they went to go on their own way as well. 

"Man, I really wish I could some cool training like Naruto." I sighed. "I mean, he already has the Nine Tails chakra in him. It's not fair how strong he's getting!"

Shikamaru shook his head, "The same could be said about you and your Rinnegan." 

I pouted at him, "I guess...but I'm still really inexperienced with it. And...now that Jiraiya isn't here...I can't really do much with it."

My voice choked a little at the mention of Jiraiya but I managed to regain it at the end. I guess that is true then, I don't really know how else to train with my Rinnegan now that Jiraiya isn't there to help me. I just barely learned the Six Paths Technique, and frankly some of the powers that it can do scare me a little at how strong they are. Some of them, I can't really even control as well either, I just know the basics. I was planning on honing my skills with Jiraiya, but I can't really do that now.

"Why don't you just find somebody else to train with you and your Rinnegan?" Shikamaru said. I stared at him, "What do you mean?"

"Just find someone strong to train with you. Your squad members are all jounin, so its not like their weak. You could probably train with them."

I paused, pondering over it. "You know, that's true. Since Wakako is doing the autopsy, I could train with Enya or Kyo. But I'll do that after we crack the code!"

We arrived at the Code Breakers building only to find it empty without Shiho. I went to the table where we had the sentence written out. I reread it. "The real one isn't with them." I said aloud.

Turning to Shikamaru, I asked, "From the information we've been given, what do you think this could mean?"

Shikamaru was silent as he came over to my side, looking at the sentence. "Fukasaku said during Jiraiya's battle with Pein, that there were six Peins, each of them had their own specialty in fighting. One could summon creatures and one could absorb all ninjustu."

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