A New Team

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"From now on we will be working together so we should introduce ourselves." The man said to us, "My name Yamato."

"Naruto Uzumaki."

"(Y/N) Hanninzowa."

"Sakura Haruno."

"My name is Sai."

Yamato-taichou looked at us all. "Now that we are all acquainted, I'll explain the mission we are going to take place in. From here, we will be journeying to Tenchi Bridge and we will see the spy that Akatsuki has placed into the ranks of Orochimaru. We will capture and bring them back."

"We will all assemble at the front gate in an hour, so get all your things and meet there."

Sai went off in the opposite direction that Sakura, Naruto and I went. I could tell Naruto was very mad. "Man, why can't it just be the three of us? Why is he taking Sasuke's place?" he muttered.

Sakura and I looked at each other before grinning. "He is kind of vulgar, but don't you think he resembles Sasuke a little bit. By the way he looks and his voice?"

Naruto gasped, "No way! Sasuke's cooler—er no, wait, Sasuke's just better!"

I giggled, "You're right, Sasuke is a bit 'cooler' than Sai."

"A bit? He's way better!"

I went back to my house, to go grab some last tools. Then I went to the Hokage's office to go say by to Wakako. Unfortunately, I didn't see her, but I ran into Sakura on her way out. Sakura told me that Sai was chosen by one of the elders, Danzo, to be our temporary member. She said that Tsunade doesn't really like him, and he doesn't like her because of the way she rules. Sakura told me that Danzo tried to get the Hokage position, but was never able to achieve it.

From the sounds of it, it seemed like Tsunade is a bit suspicious of Sai. Maybe I should keep my eye out for him too...

Finally, we arrived to the gate, where Yamato-taichou, Naruto and Sai were waiting for us. "What took you guys so long?" Naruto sighed as we arrived. "Don't be turning into Kakashi-sensei..."

"No way I'm turning into that lazy of a person!" Sakura exclaimed, hitting Naruto on the head.

"Calm down you two, or we'll leave you behind." I told them as Sai, Yamato-taichou and I started walking away. 

"Wait!" The two called out as they rushed to catch up with us.

As we were walking, Naruto was glaring at Sai the entire time. I could tell Sai was trying to ignore it, but now he couldn't. 

"What do you want?" Sai asked him. Naruto looked away without responding to him. I could tell he was trying to compare him to Sasuke to see their similarities and differences.

Sai sighed, "Just stop looking at me, or I'll hit you." 

I smirked a little, but Naruto was pissed. "You piss me off so much!"

"I don't have any feelings of anger towards you..." Sai said. 

Naruto scowled, "Liar! Whyare you even here?! You just piss everyone off!"

Yamato-taichou jerked back. "Don't talk that way, Naruto! Team work is the most important thing here. I though Kakashi taught you guy about that. And I know Enya taught you that too, (Y/N)."

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