Team 10's Determination

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I rushed out of the Nara Clan house in a flash. My mind was spinning. Did...did Shikamaru's dad see? Oh no, what if he did?

Wait, why am I worried about his dad? Shikamaru kissed me! He...he even confessed to me! What do I do? What do I do!?

"Ah, there you are, (Y/N)."

I turned to see Wakako walking up to me. "I was looking for you."

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw her. "Oh my god, thank kami you're here." I ran up to her and brought her into a huge hug. "So many things going on."

Wakako laughed, "Why don't we go find somewhere to sit and then you can tell me all about it?"

I nodded and we found a park bench. We sat down and then I began to tell her everything from when I left to go rescue Gaara to going to find Sasuke and now the mission with Asuma-sensei dying.

Wakako listened, nodding occasionally. Once I finished she looked at me. "You have a lot going on don't you?"

I laughed bitterly. "And on top of that, when I went to go find Shikamaru...he...he..."

"He confessed his feelings?" Wakako finished for me. 

I looked at her. "How do you know?"

She sighed, "You're so oblivious, (Y/N)." 

I pouted at her, "But that's not the worst part! He kissed me...and Ikissedhimbackandhisdadsawus!" I said quickly.

Wakako looked at me with wide eyes as the words sank in. Then she burst out laughing. "Oh wow! Hahaha! That's classic!" She tried to stifle her laughs but was unable too.

"It's not funny!" I whined. Wakako wiped her eyes since they started to tear up from how hard she was laughing, 

"Ah, no, you're right, it isn't...just really is."

I sighed, "Yeah, yeah. Now can you stop laughing at me?" 

Wakako nodded and I let out a sigh of relief. She looked at me. "Do you like him or even Sasuke? Who do you love, (Y/N)?"

I stared blankly at her for a second before what she said registered. "M-Me, in love with them?" I squeaked out. "I-I...I don't know." I sighed, looking down. It's just I've been so focused on trying to get stronger I just never really paid attention to those feelings like love."

Wakako nodded, "I see..." I stared off into the distance. Do I love either one of them? I know I've asked myself if I did love Sasuke, but I just couldn't wrap my brain around it. Now I can't either for Shikamaru. But why should I bother myself with this? I have people to find. Exhibit One: Akatsuki.

"I'm leaving tonight." I said suddenly, changing topics.

"What!?" Wakako exclaimed, "What do you mean 'leaving'?!"

I retraced my steps, "Oh, um, I meant that I'm leaving tonight with Team 10. We're going to find Akatsuki." 

Wakako's eyes widened, "You can't do that!"

"Why not?" I snapped at her.

"Because they're too strong for the four of you!" She exclaimed. "They even killed Asuma-sensei, and they kidnapped Gaara too! The Kazekage!"

"That's the point!" I said. "It's my duty to defeat them so they don't kill anyone else!"

Wakako sighed, "Please, (Y/N). Don't go." 

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