A New Goal

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I wonder what Tsunade needs from me...

I was walking to the Hokages office once a jounin ninja appeared in front of my bed, waking me up, saying that Tsunade need an audience with me. This better be good otherwise I'm just going to be bitchy for the rest of the day. I was already feeling annoyed, I mean, it was my day off! I deserve to sleep in. The last thing I want is to be waken up at who knows how early in the morning and walk all the way to the Hokage's office which is all the way across Konoha.

Did I mention it was raining too? Yeah, so I had to walk all the way across Konoha in the pouring rain. Not the best way for me to start a day off.

I swear this better be good...

I reached the Hokage's office and opened the door. I shivered as a burst of cold air came from the room. Inside was Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi-sensei and Jiraiya, and of course, the Hokage herself, Tsunade.

"(Y/N)! You look terrible!" Naruto exclaimed as he saw me enter the room. 

I gritted my teeth. Too early for these loud noises. "Yeah, I know." I hissed back at him.

Naruto's eyes widened at my snap and he got the message. 

I heard a low chuckle. "I see you never got over your grumpy morning self, haven't you, (Y/N)?" Jiraiya walked over to me, patting my head. 

I glared at him, taking his hand off of me. "Please don't touch me, ero-sennin."

Jiraiya's chuckling stopped as I called him by Naruto's nickname for him. The only time I ever call him 'ero-sennin' was when I was annoyed with him or just in a bad mood. Jiraiya immediately backed away from me. "Geez, Tsunade, you just had to call her in the morning."

Tsunade sighed, "Well, once you hear why I called you, I'm sure your grumpiness will go, (Y/N)."

"Enlighten me." I looked at her with my still sleepy eyes. I had to force them up and let me tell you, it's the worst feeling ever. I just wanted to curl up into my nice warm bed for an extra hour or two.

"You are going to be part of a nine member platoon to find Itachi and/or Sasuke Uchiha." Tsunade said bluntly. My sleepy eyes immediately shot open and stayed open.

"What!? Why?!" I exclaimed. "Are they here?!"

Tsunade sighed, "Let me explain first." I nodded, allowing her to continue. "We received news that Orochimaru was killed by Sasuke Uchiha."

At this, I thought my eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. "He killed Orochimaru! Wait, so does that mean, we're going to Itachi in hopes to intercept Sasuke?"

Tsunade nodded, "You catch on quickly. Unlike some others." She glanced at Naruto and he pouted. I let out a soft giggle at this. 

Naruto turned to me with a grin on his face. "You're not grumpy anymore!"

Sakura rolled her eyes, "Stop interrupting, Lady Tsunade!" She hit him on the head, shutting him up. 

Tsunade gave a nod of thanks to Sakura, "Team 10 and Team 8 (Kiba's team), Yamato and you will be forming a nine member platoon to go find Itachi Uchiha."

I frowned, "This won't be as easy as you think. Not only is Itachi a powerful ninja, he has a partner with him, Kisame, who is one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist."

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