The Third Exam

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"Good luck, (Y/N)!" Wakako said as my squad was walking me to the arena where the chuunin exams would take place.

I gave her a big smile. I was really happy when my entire squad showed up at my doorstep in order to walk me to the final stage of the chuunin exam. Surprisingly, I went to bed with no nerves at all, but y the time I woke up, I was a mess. Luckily, I felt a little calmer with my squad around me.

"Thanks you guys!" I told them all.

As we neared the arena, my nerves started to take the best of me. I began to get anxious about my battle. What if something goes wrong? What if Kankuro is way too strong? What if...?

"(Y/N), you'll do great, I know it."

A warm hand was placed on my shoulder. It belonged to Kyo. I smiled at him, "Thanks..." I replied somewhat uncertainly. The others gathered around me.

"(Y/N)," Wakako said, looking dead into my eyes. "We did not just go through all that training for you to blow it all."

She looked dead serious, and I gulped at the intensity at her stare. Wakako then softened her expression and began to laugh, "I know you'll win!"

I smiled at her and began to laugh along with her. "Thanks, Wakako."

Finally, we reached the arena. "This is where we part ways, (Y/N)," Enya-sensei said. "Good luck."

I took a deep breath as I left to go to where the examinees would go.  The stands all around the arena were filled to the seat. Not a single space left. I could hear some of the conversations of many of the nobles.

"I'm putting my money on the Uchiha boy."

"Hai, that's the fight I'm looking forward to the most."

"Actually, I think the Hanninzowa girl will win."

"You know her clan was just as superior as the Uchiha clan."

"But the Hyuga boy was the top of his graduating class."

"Yeah, but so was Sasuke Uchiha and (Y/N) Hanninzowa. And Neji is fighting that Nine-Tails kid. It'll be such a one-sided battle."

I sighed as I tried to block out the chatter. Even though I already knew that all of the nobles were eager to see Sasuke and I, it still made me uncomfortable. I don't like people deciding who they think will win based on their background.

In the middle of the arena stood most of the examinees. I ran over to Shikamaru, who was already there. "Where is everyone?" I asked him, glancing around me. A few people weren't here yet.

"Oh, hey, (Y/N), so far Naruto and Sasuke aren't here. And they said that the Sound Ninja dropped out or something." He said. I raised an eyebrow. That seems kind of fishy, but that's one less person to fight.

"I wonder why Sasuke and Naruto are late." I said aloud.

Shikamaru nodded, "The exams start in a few minutes. I could see Naruto arriving late, but I would have thought Sasuke would be here on time."  

I remembered watching Sasuke train. He seemed to have been working really hard. Too hard to be disqualified on something small like being late. On the other hand, it was just classic that Naruto would be late, even though his match was the first one of the day. I sent out a mental prayer hoping that the two would arrive on time.

"Do we just wait here now?" I asked Shikamaru. He shrugged, "I guess."

Suddenly, the arena doors burst open, revealing a rushed Naruto. "I-I'm here!" he panted, running over to Shikamaru and I. The Exam Proctor, Genma, sighed. "I guess we'll have to start even though Sasuke's not here."

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