Squad Up!

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I walked into the academy's classroom, only to be met with the fangirls fawning over Sasuke Uchiha. I sighed to myself, even after graduation, their habits still continue. What's the point of clinging to a guy who doesn't even like you!?

The room suddenly became silent, and I can see the fangirls giving me death glares. My eyes widen as I realize I said my thoughts aloud. Everyone's eyes are on me. The girls are glaring at me, while the guys are laughing and shaking their heads in agreement. "Ah, g-gomen..." I say to the girls as I make my way to an empty seat. Great, it's the day we're going to learn who is going to be in our squads, and if it's one of the fangirls, she'll definetly have a grudge against me forever. Whatever.

The person that I'm worried about, though, is Sasuke. I mean, he has all these fangirls, so he's bound to get at least one of them on his team. Ouch. Sucks for him. I sent a silent prayer to my friend. Sasuke and I have been friends since childhood since both our families were very close together. I would play with him and Itachi...well, until that happened with his family. Ever since then, he's changed, and at first I could never understand it until the same thing happened to me. Well, a similar experience. Ever since we lost family, we've actually gotten closer, yet at the same time, I feel like we've drifted further. I know that Sasuke harbors hatred towards Itachi, and I do too for those strangers in the black and red cloaks; however, I feel like Sasuke isn't as controlling of his dark feelings as I am. 

As I was going towards an empty seat, I felt as if someone was starting at me. I look up to see, well speak of the devil, Sasuke gazing down at me from his seat. I smiled up at him and gave him a wave. He motions for me to come over, and I complied, changing course of where I was going. "Hey, Sasuke!" I exclaimed as I began to sit next to him in the empty spot.

Just as I was about to sit down, I hear a yell, "(Y/N)! Don't sit with that loser, Sasuke! Sit with me!"

I laughed out loud as I saw Naruto making his way towards me. A scowl formed on Sasuke's face at the sight of him and his words. Naruto returns the scowl to Sasuke, then flashes me a smile. As I opened my mouth, someone appeared from behind Naruto and slapped him on the head. A pinkette is the owner of the hand that slapped him. Naruto stopped as he turned to face her. "S-sakura-chan..."


Sakura hits him again, and the fangirls who were previously hating on me, now put their attention on Naruto and glare at him. I can feel his nervousness as they close in on him. Ino, a girl with long blond hair, pulled into a ponytail and a strand of bangs that cover her eye, walk towards him. "I-Ino... How are you?" Naruto says slowly, backing away. Ino scowls at him. "For once I agree with Billboard-Forehead here. DON'T SAY BAD THINGS ABOUT SASUKE-KUN!"

Sakura ran to Ino, grabbing her by the shirt, "BE QUIET INO-PIG!"

"Shut up, Ugly!"

"No you're the ugly one pig!"

As the two girls were distracted, Naruto jumped away from the fight, and landed on the desk in front of Sasuke. I stiffled a giggle at the sight of those two glaring at each other. How did they come to hate each other? Who knows? I just know they've been arguing since Day 1. Each time I'm with either one, they always ask why I'm friends with 'an idiot like Naruto/Sasuke', but I always say that I like them both equally and I enjoy spending time with both.

They stared angrily at each other for a while, until the boy behind Naruto accidently pushed him forwards...causing to lock lips with his enemy. As him and Sasuke kissed, Ino and Sakura's fight stopped as they look at the scene in horror. The fangirls stared at the scene in horror as well. I, on the other hand, along with all the other guys, burst out laughing.

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