Snake eyes every single time you roll with crooked dice.....

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Okay so I haven't uploaded in ages so here goes, sorry if the chapter is crappy getting back into the swing of things.

Sorry for and misspelled words or punctuation errors, as usual I'm not checking over my work before posting because it is past four in the morning.


It was Sunday morning, and there was a good bit of snow on the ground from what I could see out the window, "Cyn hurry, snowballs.......first years...." I heard the twins shouting from downstairs.

"Well this ought to be fun, Ariana is just going  to love this." I said aloud to an empty room.

I hurried to get dressed after showering so the twins would stop yelling for me, I could figure how annoying it would become.

I walked quietly from the girls dorm hoping not to run into Fred and George just yet, but before I knew it a icy wet snowball was flying toward my face. "No!!" I shrieked, but it was to late it hit me, my eyes were closed but I could feel the sting of the cold against my face. "What was that for!?" I shouted angrily at the twins, I wasn't in the mood not after being kicked off of the quidditch team. "We were just having fun..." replied Fred, "No need to be grumpy..." George added. "Whatever..." I shook my head, "What are we doing anyway?" I took a step towards them cautiously, "Come on, that was the only one we had... Promise." Fred smiled as he walked to me throwing his arm over my shoulder, the three of us walked out of the common room and outside together.

We had just finished making a snowman when we saw Hermione walking out and down to Hagrid's, Fred and George knew that Ron would still be in the common room since he wasn't with her. "How about we have some fun?" Fred laughed as he tossed a snowball into the air and catching it, George winked at me. "What are you two planning?" I inquired, my hands on my hips. "Calm down, we are just going to tease ikkle ronnykins is all." Fred and George both chuckled and started tossing snowballs at the Gryffindor common room window. "You two are going to get us in trouble with frog lady, stop it...." I whispered trying to dodge the snow that was falling from the window above.

"Oy!" I heard from the window, "See look what you di..." I looked up, "Oh it's just Ron, never mind." I shrugged, "I am a prefect and if one more snowball hits this window...." Ron bellowed until he was smacked in the face with a snowball causing him to withdraw his head quickly.

"So are the two of you done playing in the snow, it is getting pretty cold." I couldn't feel the tips of my fingers or my toes any longer, we walked back inside the castle to warm up.

"Cyn!" we heard, it was Ariana she was the only person I knew that sounded like that.

"We are almost late for class, let's go." she snapped walking hastily ahead of us, her robes tumbling behind her, it was so creepy how much it reminded me of Snape. "Miss. Black, Miss. Black, Mr. Weasleys, how nice it is of you to joins us." Snape sneered before turning quickly to walk to his desk. "At least we weren't late." the twins chimed, I saw Ariana roll her eyes.

"Today you will make one potion from your books, I am letting you choose..." Snape sneered, then drew in a breath to speak again "Choose wisely..." his glare was directed at the twins, the entire class knew they didn't even have to look.

"Thankfully this is our only class of the day..." I whispered to Ariana as we stirred our potion, she nodded. "Do you hear that?" I asked Ariana, as strange gurgling and bubble popping sounds echoed through the room. "Do you even have to ask?" she said without looking up from the cauldron, "I wonder what they have done this time..." I whispered aloud, I took a deep breath and turned around.

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