Did they forget me?

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I do not own any of these characters except Cynthia Lestrange and Ariana Black

I also apologize in advance for and spelling and punctuation mistakes! ENJOY!!!

It was nearing the end of your summer and no letters from anyone...not Fred, George, Hermione, or Ginny... You sighed heavily thinking what if they have forgotten all about me and made new friends... How could they not even write to me one time... Your eyes filled with tears but before the warm salty liquid could run down your face your mum's owl flew in almost hitting the lamp by the chair you were in. There was a piece of parchment tied round the leg of the owl, you untied and unrolled the parchment.


It's us the amazing and not to mention sexy FRED and George! Sorry we haven't written in forever we have been in trouble plus we couldn't send Errol and we kept missing your owl when it would stop by, PLEASE DON'T KILL US!!!! Since it is almost school time we figured we would ask you if you wanted to come stay and just go to the platform with us. We are planning on going to get Harry, he hasn't responded to any of Ron's owls we are worried. We need your reply though ASAP!!! Dad and of course Fred and I will be coming to get you!

Yours in mischief

Fred and George

Oh my those two, they are complete dunderheads but so funny...you chuckled at your mental thoughts. Before you wrote them back you decided to go up to you room and pack your clothes and other items. During the summer professor Snape had taken you to diagon alley a few times and you had bought a few things for your freinds...before you thought they forgot you. Afterward you sat down and began to write.

Fred and George

I DON'T WANNA HEAR YOUR EXCUSES! I THOUGHT YOU FORGOT ABOUT ME!!! Anyway, now that I have gotten that out of my system...I would love to come over! I have already packed my trunk is just waiting on you two to carry it down. Seeing as how your so strong...just so you know I about died laughing after writting that! Well I look forward to seeing all of you especially GINNY!!! It is going to be her first year this is so exciting! We have so much to talk about. 

Written with annoyance


You finished writting and decided to draw roses up the sides of the parchment, when you were satisfied with how it looked you sent your owl off with it. Oh my you shouted at yourself I need to fix my hair and put on my makeup and with that you ran to the bathroom....10 minutes later you were done and just in time. Seeing as how you heard muffled screams coming from your fire place. That sounds like Fred "Or get your elbow away from me George!" "You get away from my elbow Fred" you heard the familiar voice of George "Boy..."you heard Mr. Weasley whisper and they continued to bicker "BOYS!" he now shouted "What?!" they yelled back in unison "Miss. Lestrange, are you there?" Mr. Weasley asked "Umm...yes sir" "Could you tell me what your doing in my fire place sir" you said with a puzzled look "Well we decided to come by floo network" Mr. Weasley explained "Oh" you chuckled removing the boards in front of the firse place and your gaze now upon the three figures scrunched in the fire place. "CYN!" the twins sceamed and tackled you to the floor "Hi, now could you get my trunk now" you said lying on your back. "Oh yeah sorry" they said beaming at you "Hello Mr. Weasley they didn't tell me you'd be coming my floo network" you explained "It's fine dear" Mr. Weasley said "Lets go boys!!" Mr. Weasley shouted "Coming dad" Fred started "Hold your horses this thing is heavy" George continued "George do you even know what that expression means?" you questioned "No, but I've heard muggles use it!" you yelled with a smile on his face. You swore the only things those two knew were loud and louder...

Life is hard when your last name is Lestrange and you fall for a WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now