Meeting Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

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I do not own any of these characters except Cynthia Black (Lestrange) and Ariana Black

I also aologize for any spelling or punctuaton mistakes!! ENJOY

The next morning the skies had cleared up but was still gloomy. It was time for breakfast and for all of us to get our schedules for the year. I walked into the Great Hall and piled eggs and bacon onto my plate and began to eat and waiting on Fred and George to wake their lazy butts up and come down to breakfast. They two of them came down 10 minutes later still yawning "How can you possibly still be tired" I asked them as they took their seats on either side of me. "We aren't used to waking up so early" George groaned. The three of us were handed our schedules for the year I had

Divination, History of Magic, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. It was the same every day of the week except Mondays, and Fridays instead of History of Magic I had Astronomy and Herbology instead of Divination.

"What do you two have?" I asked groaning at the double potions on Mondays and Fridays. "We have all the same classes!" George grinned happily, I was happy about this but also was going to be so awkward spending so much time around him after what happened. "What about you Freddie?" I asked my eyes pleading with his that he also had all the same classes. "I have all but double potions with you Cyn" Fred gave a half smile and I just sighed...

Maybe Ariana has double potions with me I sighed in my mind. "Oi, Ariana!" I shouted "Ariana" she looked back at me as if she was caught in some sort of trance a few moments ago..."Snape?" I sighed to her and rolled me eyes "Of course" Ariana smiled. "What classes have you got then?" I asked Ariana taking her school schedule from her. "Divination, double potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts" I ticked off the classes we had together on my hand. "Potions partners then?" Ariana asked snatching her schedule back from my hand "You know it" I held my hand up for a high five she rolled her eyes and induldged my childish behavior. "We should probably get to Divination then!" I grabbed Ariana's robes and pulled her towards the Divination classroom in one of the top most towers. Ariana and I climbed into the opening for Divination and took a seat with Fred and George also Ariana since she didn't feel like sitting with the only other Slytherin girl being Pansy.

"Welcome to Divination" came Professor Trelawneys shakey voice. Everyone at the table I was at just sighed awaiting her boring speech about Divination and awaiting the you'll be readin eachothers tea every single year I have had Divination class. "Ugh...this is so boring" I whined poking Ariana "Will you stop that, it's really annoying" Ariana growled "But I'm bored Ariana" I continued to whine "Poke Fred" Ariana rolled her eyes and tried to regain focus on what Trelawney was saying. "Fred, I'm bored" I whined poking him now...."Does that really mean you have to poke me" Fred laughed grabbing my hand and sitting it back down on the table "Freddie" I whined right in his ear and kicked his foot "What?" Fred said looking over to me "Talk to me Freddie" I smiled. Just then trelawney made our tea pour into our cups. "Now switch cups and drink the tea" Trelawney instucted...I just sighed because I had done this so many times. "What do you see?" Trelawney asked moving close to Ariana. Ariana stared into the cup she had taken George's cup Ariana began to look into the leaves at the bottom of the cup "What do you see?" George asked peering over the cup "Will you not hover" Ariana snapped "Well dear?" the Professor asked again "I see something in the shape of a hawk"Ariana said flipping through the pages in her book "Hmm...meaning jealousy" Ariana looked at everyone...I rolled my eyes, Fred shurgged it off, and George looked interested "Wonder why I'm jealous, I don't feel it" George said poking at himself "It's the furture George" I laughed "And you dear what does this dear girls cup say for her?" Trelawney directed her gaze to George..."Uhh..." George pondered a bit "Looks like a wavy line.." George tilted the cup a little "Meaning" George was now flipping through his book looking for the symbol "Uncertain path" George finished looking at Ariana as we all did she just quickly looked away. "You next dear" Trelawney looked at Fred who had my cup "Well what's it say Freddie?" I smiled  "Hmmm there is more than one" Fred paused "Ha one looks like one of those fancy umbrellas...what are they called?" Fred asked the table "Parasol" Ariana rolled her eyes "Yeah that meaning a new lover and a shoe meaning change for the better" Fred directed his gaze to me as everyone did after the new lover part. "So who do you like?" Ariana raised an eyebrow "Oh look at Fred's tea leaves" I awkwardly changed the subject "What is it?" Trelawney looked at me "A triangle for something unexpected and let me see" I paused "and what looks like grapes meaning happiness" I cocked my eyebrow looking down at the cup. "Very good" Trelawney smiled moving on....The bell rand and it was time for History of Magic.

Life is hard when your last name is Lestrange and you fall for a WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now