All Those Nights

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I do not own any of these characters except Cynthia Black (Lestrange) and Ariana Black

I also apologize for any spelling or punctuation mistakes...I frequently write late at night and don't realize the mistakes! ENJOY! I am also going to give the titles of my chapters names of songs. Idea is from DiaryOfMe who I will be dedicating this chapter to.


I was still so angry about Umbridge being made high inquisitor... "Cyn!" Fred called my name as he jogged toward Gryffindor table "What is it Fred?" I asked giggling as he stopped in front of me bending over to try and catch his breath. "We are going on a date" he said after gasping for air..."Fred we have class" I shook my head and began to turn to face my food again. "So, 'we' aren't going" Fred answered pointing from himself to me as he said we "Fred our N.E.W.T.s are this year what if 'we' miss something important" I sighed emphasizing the we. "Ariana can tell you what happened and she can tell them your sick" Fred explained to me but I was still skeptical. "Fred I don't know" I groaned looking at the staff table at the professors I was going to have today. "Come on don't worry so in the moment" Fred laughed placing a hand on my shoulder then he bent down to where his head was on my shoulder. "It will be fun" he whispered in my ear "Fred" I sighed turning to look him in the eyes..."I can't say no to that face" I smiled from the corner of my lips "We have to go now" Fred grabbed my upper arm and pulled me out of my seat. "I was eating" I whined as he led me from the great hall. "Don't worry you will get to eat later" Fred peered around a corner...he was probably inspecting the coming corridor for Filch. "Where are we going exactly?" I asked as he squeezed my hand and walked on. "Hogsmeade" he said simply and continued on..."But how is Ariana going to know what to tell our professors?" Fred turned and pressed against me so we were flat against the wall. "George is going to tell her" he whispered from the corner of his mouth as some second years walked by. Again he peered around the corner checking for more oncoming students. "Let's go" Fred pulled my hand and led me to what I was guessing was a secret passageway. Fred took out his wand and whispered a spell the passage opened and he led me inside. It was dark and I couldn't see in front of me.

I took a step and felt a foot under mine "Ouch" Fred groaned "Sorry I can't see" I said apologetically. He must have shaken it off because he whispered "Lumos" and grabbed my hand again. "How long is this tunnel?" I asked as we were walking through the dark passageway "It goes from Hogwarts all the way to Honeydukes" said Fred stopping in front of me. "What is it?" I whispered cautiously "This" he whispered spinning on his heel and looking down at me. Before I could speak he kissed me a bit roughly at first but it became softer. I smiled against his lips and placed my arms around his neck...Fred pressed me against the wall of the tunnel and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. We finally pulled away "Freddie" I whispered a bit breathlessly I could see the smile playing at his lips. "Yes?" he smirked kissing my forehead. "I love you" I said pulling him down to kiss me again...we broke apart and continued on our way to Honeydukes "This is a long walk" I complained running right into Fred's back. "We're here!" He exclaimed pushing open a small door on the ceiling...He stood there for a few minutes "Fred what are we waiting on?" I asked but he didn't answer "Come on" I could see his hand feeling around behind him until it landed on my arm. He lifted me up through the door then pulled himself up after. The two of us made our way through Honeydukes "Here" Fred handed me a dress with a pair of strappy black heels "Where did you get that?" I asked looking at the beautiful dress..."I gave Hermione money to buy it over the summer" Fred explained pushing it into my hands "But Fred how did you know they had it?" I asked with a smile on my lips "Hermione had a magazine and I saw reminds me of you" Fred's hand slid down my cheek. "Fred it's beautiful...thank you" I said a bit speechlessly. He only smiled and led me to the three broomsticks where there was a bathroom. "Go change" he began to usher me towards the door to the bathroom....

I slid the dress on over my head and used my wand to zip it, next I put on the heels. I pulled my wand out and conjured a full length mirror...I spun in front of the mirror then fixed my makeup to fit the new outfit. "Perfect" I whispered aloud to no one. I pushed the door open and peered outside for Fred "psst Fred" I whispered looking around...I felt arms wrap around my waist  "looking for me" I heard Fred whisper in my ear "Actually I was" I giggled turning to look Fred in the eyes...we stood there looking each other in the eyes he pushed his nose against mine and kissed me softly and pulling away smiling as widely as ever.

Fred held my hand tightly as we walked out of the three broomsticks "Where are we going?" I asked as he led me a little way from the three broomsticks "You'll see" he squeezed my hand and apparated, we were now standing in Diagon Alley... Fred had also changed he was dressed more nicely than usual. "Here" said Fred stopping in front of a building that seemed to be abandoned. "Fred it's an empty building" I said to his back raising an eyebrow..."You underestimate me" he said shaking his head he pulled me into the building.

Fred side stepped as we stood in the building he took out his wand and the lights came on. It looked beautiful inside the room was dimly lit and smelled nice warm vanilla. He waved his wand again "What's that?" I asked as music started to play "Hermione let me borrow her Ipod it's a muggle thing that plays music" Fred explained walking to the other side of the room to fix the volume of the music. "What is that music?" I asked looking around playing with a pretty red lantern that was on the wall. "Hermione said you'd like's called Chase Coy" he answered finally making the volume perfect. "She was right I do like it" I said walking to meet Fred in the middle of the room. The music was slow and soothing...Fred offered me his hand "Let's dance" he smiled leading my to the middle of the floor. He wrapped his arms around my waist, I wrapped mine around his neck resting my head on his chest. We began moving across the floor slowly...I smiled into Fred's chest his arms tightened around me. "This is amazing" I said happily and sweetly "I'm glad you like it" he whispered into my hair since his head had come to rest on mine.

The song that had been playing had ended and he stopped and released me from his grip getting on one knee "Cyn" he looked me in the eyes holding my hand...I looked at his loving face and felt tears fill my eyes...I wasn't sad though I was just as happy as the first time. "I know I asked once..." Fred paused to squeeze my hand and look at the little plastic ring on my finger letting out a small laugh then looking back into my eyes. "and I couldn't afford an actual ring" he continued as he fidgeted with something in his pocket. "Ff...Fred...I" I stuttered through the tears that had fallen from my eyes "Let me finish" he smiled at me and I fell silent looking at him trying to blink the water from my eyes "but George and I have a place for our shop now and I got you this" Fred had paused again and pulled a little red box from his pocket, it was definitely what he had been fidgeting with. He opened the box and there was a beautiful ring, the band was silver and there was a medium small diamond in the middle in the shape of a heart with small red stones around it. "Fred it's..." I began but he hushed me again...he had a charming smile on his face and he was looking deeper into my eyes. He cleared his throat "Cyn will you marry me?" he asked still on one knee and not moving his gaze from mine. "Y-yes" I choked out as I burst into full out tears falling to my knees in front of him. He wrapped his arms around me "Why are you crying?" he whispered into my ear as a laid my head on his shoulder "I'm happy" I sniffled pulling away from him. "You shouldn't cry when your happy" he laughed placing his forehead against mine...I gave him a smile as another tear fell from my cheek "You mean more than the world does to me..." Fred sand along with the song that was playing "When I said that I love you it was more than the truth" he continued...he actually wasn't to bad a singer when he tried. "This is the best night of my life" I whispered my voice trembling from crying...Fred lifted his hands to wipe the tears from my face "Mine too" he smiled as he looked into my eyes once again and moving closer. It felt like everything went into slow motion as we kissed as we were kneeling there on the floor. When we pulled away he wrapped his arms around my waist I could feel as if he never wanted to let go...and I would be ok with that.


I know this chapter is short, but I felt it deserved it's own.

I hope you enjoyed it <3

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~Blood Traitor 

Life is hard when your last name is Lestrange and you fall for a WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now