If only Avada Kedavra were legal

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I do not own any of these character except Cynthia Black (Lestrange) and Ariana Black

The other two new characters are from two Harry Potter fans from my like page on facebook!

I also apologize for any spelling or punctuation mistakes! ENJOY!!


I took my seat between Fred and George at Gryffindor table as I always did.  "I wonder who she is?" I whispered to Fred and George they seemed to be talking about their joke shop. "Huh?" said Fred "Who?" said George their attention snapping to my pointing finger. "Her?" I said fully aloud this time shooting a glare at both of them. "No clue" said George a disgusted look overcoming his face. "She likes like a giant pink toad" Fred took a gasp of air but as his face turned red he couldn't resist to cough while laughing...causing George and I to laugh. "She does, like a big fat toad...maybe she is just now getting over a Transfiguration backfire?" I suggested causing Fred and George to laugh louder.

They had no time to reply the first years and McGonagall were making there way to the front of the Great Hall. As always the hat did it's song...but it was different...the hat was actually warning us.... "Did you hear that...it was a warning" I whispered to Fred and George a look of worry and loud whispering came over the four tables even the Slytherins. "Wonder what it could be about" George wondered aloud...I scowled at him "You know very well what it's about!" I shrieked causing people to look in my direction so I hit George over the head. "Owww!"

I rolled my eyes and watched as the first years were being sorted...they all looked scared as always. "This year isn't going to be good...I can see it now..." I sighed as the last first year made their way to the table it had been placed.

Dumbledore rose but not to start his speech only to begin the feast. "Finally!" I heard Ron shout I only shook my head....but pushed every bit of food Fred and George passed to me away. "Not hungry?" They asked together... "What does it look like" I grumbled throwing my head down onto my hands. Before I knew it the feast was over and my stomach began to growl even though I didn't feel hungry. Dumbledore stood once again to speak. "Of course the usual for the first years" I groaned...I just wanted to go to bed in the warm Gryffindor Tower. "And our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher" Dumbledore's twinkling eyes turned to gaze at the foul woman dressed in pink... "Boo!" I hissed a look of disgust and distrust coming over my face. Dumbledore gave a look of disappointment to me then continued... "Hem hem" someone cleared their throat... "Great now it wants to talk..." I said giving a smirk as Fred and George let out a quiet laugh. Umbridge got up to speak...she gave a speech making it all to clear that the ministry was interfering at Hogwarts. "Boo!!" The twins roared "This is rubbish!" they hissed towards the teachers table "Shh!" I growled nudging them both in the sides. "Don't give it a reason to hate you already" I whispered rolling my eyes at both of them.

We were finally dismissed to our dorms. I stormed towards the doors to the great hall... "Cyn! Slow down!" I heard Ariana shouting behind me. "What" I shouted back spinning on my heel. "What's your problem" Ariana snapped shooting me a glare as she neared me Fred and George. "That woman...this year is going to be no better than last" I snarled but a thought occrued to me lightening my mood. "At least we can become animagi without her knowing" I said in an accomplished tone. Ariana smirked "Yeah." They two of us walked to the marble staircase together plotting ways to anger our new defense against the dark arts teacher. "First lesson we should come in as animagi" I suggested "Then she would know cause we would have to change in front of her"

"Good point, how about we just casually walk around a corner growling and snarling at her" I suggested a new idea. "Hmmm....I like that one" Ariana smirked gave a slight wave and strode off down the marble staircase to the Slytherin common room.

Life is hard when your last name is Lestrange and you fall for a WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now