>> Epilogue <<

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(A/N: Beware this is slightly a long chapter and I needed it to be. :D )

~ one year later ~ (Michaela's POV)

I stared at the picture I held in my hand. A smile spreading on my face. It was the one picture that meant everything to me since it was when Faith was born. I laid on the bed tired as hell holding onto my bundle of joy as she let out little sniffles from crying. My gran was standing next to me as we looked down at Faith. Her wrincled fingers creassing Faiths face slowly as she admired her. At this moment I knew what to name her. Faith Celine Tomlinson. It was perfect and Faith fit her since She was the light that brought joy to my life and I wanted to also name her after my gran. She was the faith I needed in my life.

"Michaela, are you crying?" I looked up at Louis as he was leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen.

"I am?" I questioned, touching my face and feeling the wetness on my cheeks. "Guess I am."

Louis laughed slightly before walking over, wrapping his arms around my waist. His head dipped down so his chin rested against my shoulder.

"What's this?" Louis took the photo from my hand, taking in the picture.

"That's me when I just have gave birth to Faith." Louis sighed giving it back.

"I still wish you would have told me." I nodded, taking in the silence that surronded us.

"I regret it everyday, Louis. I regret never telling you." I said, truthfully.

"Good thing is we have each other now. Together till death do us part." I smiled, looking down at our left hand. Both my engament ring and wedding band still look oldly strange since I never thought I would see the day I would be married. To Louis Tomlinson as that.

"Still not use to it I see." Louis joked, chuckling as he walked away towards the fridge.

"I don't think I ever will. I don't think I can ever get over the fact that I married my best friend." Louis smiled closing the fridge door and looking up at me.

"Well your not the only one. Guess our mum's were right about we would be married one day. " I smiled placing the photo back on the fridge.

"Yeah, I remember their faces when we told them. So happy and of course they weren't surprised." We laughed remembering the day and how great it was.

~ Flashback ~

I twirled the ring around my finger as we made our way towards my mum's house. Louis put his hand on my knee rensuring me. I smiled up at him and looked over at Faith as she played on Louis phone in the backseat. She was excited to hear that we would be getting married and she would also be the flower girl.

"Mum are we almost there?" Faith asked, meeting my eyes as she waited for me to answer.

"Yes sweetie, were almost there." She smiled returning to the phone and going about with her buissnes.

"It'll be nice to finally see both of them." I nodded, taking Louis hand in mine.

"Yeah, you haven't seen them in a while with your carrer and all that." I said.

"True, but I'm living my dream and your also part of it." I blushed, remember when Louis told me that I was one of his dreams and that it was hard for him to go on the X-Factor stage knowing I had left him broken hearted with no explantion.

"Look Faith, we're here." Faith quickly looked out the window smiling as she saw her grans house.

We had planned for a little dinner to happen at my mum's house and have all the family come over as well. Jay would also be attending since we wanted to tell both at the same time. We were just hoping the press and paps haven't done that yet since we've tried hard to keep it priavte. Our relationship and Louis marriage proposal.

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