Healing Slowly.

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~ Faith's POV ~

I looked at the Telly and groaned but slowly I turned my gaze as mum entered the room with some food. I cheered as I notice what it was. I was hating the hospital food here and being here just bored me.

"I hope your hungry," mum smiled as she placed the food on the table.

"My favorite right?" I asked and she nodded taking out the chicken nuggets.

I slowly sat up using my right arm to help me up.

"So, did the doctor come in and check in on you?" mum ask, taking a bite out of her sandwich.

"Yeah, he did. He didn't say anything but check then leave." I said.

Mum nodded, eating her food and taking a few glances towards me.

"The doctor told me you might be out before Christmas, but let's hope so. We still have a few weeks but you just might get lucky." I nodded and tried to think about everything else.

I didn't want to have to celebrate Christmas like this but things happen. Just the thought of how it would be extremely hard to opened the gifts or walk down the carpeted stairs. I shook my head as I began to think of the good things that came with Christmas. Stuffed red stocking filled with a few sweets, and a few small gifts here and there, a dinner to feed a army of men.

"Has dad came to see me ever?" I asked suddenly as I watch mum became tense.

"No, I wish he did sweetie," she said, shaking her head.

I frowned before continuing to eat my food, enjoying the joyful flavor of something other then what they served.

I wasn't happy with the fact that my own father didn't care to check on me, but did he even know that I was here. Did he even care to call my mum and see how I was doing this past week or did my mum fail to tell him. The question rambled in my head making me feel slightly dizzy and uncomfortable knowing what the answer was. But whatever reason it was, I was furious inside.

Mum didn't say anything as she watched the Telly with whatever channel I had left it on after I switched through. She didn't seem to notice that I was watching her, she was too focused on that.


I turned and twisted in the bed trying to not put to much pressure on my arm as I finally decided to just stay up. These past few weeks have been restless for me, I didn't like the sounds that echoed down the hall pouring in through the crack of my half open door. Each sound terrified me and I didn't understand why. I guess the feeling of it just made me uncomfortable.

I flinched as a bed screeched past my room, the scraping of it against the floor reminded me of claws scratching against the wall. More and more noises echoed and I started to wonder what the commotion was but then I remember, there were other people here dying, sick, and healing just walls away.

Taking the remote on the side, I flick on the tv trying to draw out the noises. I turned it up enough to block out the noise but not enough to so that they not could hear it.

About half and hour into the show I heard my door slowly open but no one entered and that scared me a little bit. I turned the volume down as I looked at the door unsure of who had opened my door.

"Hello, is someone there?" I asked, waiting a couple of seconds for a reply.

"Hey sweetie," dad said sweetly as he entered the room.

"Dad," I smile, my eyes widen with gleam as I stared at him.

"I see your happy to see me," he joked, walking over and giving me a hug.

"I'm so happy your here," I muttered against his chest.

"Me too, here I got you something." He pulled away, his arm was behind his back and soon he reviled a small white teddy bear.

"Aw, I love it," I smiled, he passed me the bear and I clung it to my chest.

"I'm happy you do. Is your mum here?" He asked, I nodded my head no.

"She left a long time ago, said she'll be back in the morning," I told him and he nodded his head.

"How about we watch some movies before I have to go." I frowned at his statement.

"Your going to leave?" I pouted.

"Your mum would be mad if she knew I was here, she got angry at me last time I came when you were still asleep." I was shocked, dad did come to see me and mum lied about it.

"She told me you didn't come at all, I came believe she lied to me," I said sadly, tears dwelled in my eyes as I looked down at the bear.

"Aw baby, don't cry. I know that wasn't right of her but don't cry over it. I'm here now and that's what should matter." He pulled me into his arms and I sniffled a little bit as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Your right, I'm just happy your here." I admitted, tightly hugging him as if he would slip from my fingertips.

"I am too, sweetie. Now, let's see if there's anything good on." I smiled, letting go of him to grab the remote from the side.

I scotched over carefully so dad could sit with me on the bed. He hesitated but I nodded my head, he got the message and cuddled close next to me on the small bed.

"Dad, thank you for just being here." He looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"For being my dad, I wouldn't have asked for anyone else other than you." he smiled, giving me a quickly kiss on the cheek.

Aw, Faith and Louis moment in there. It was so cute, I don't have that many with my father myself, he's a very keep to himself person.

Omg, can you believe we're almost to end, I don't want this story to end but I think it'll drag on if I don't. Do you know this will be my first ever book that I finished.

Ok, comment and vote. :)

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