Not happening.

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~ Faith's POV ~

I skipped towards mums car but stopped when I realized Mark was in the front seat with her. I didn't know what to think as I watch his slender figure get out if the car. My mind raced with so many thoughts but one told me to run and hug him.

"Mark," I screamed as I ran into his arms.

"My little Faith," he said, his arms wrapping around my shoulders.

"I didn't think you would be here, did you get me anything?" I asked suddenly.

He rolled his eyes as he opened the back door for me. "No I didn't, but your mum and I have news to tell you. So we thought that we would take you out to lunch."

I squealed as I placed my bag on the seat next to me. He eyes my bag and laughed. I guess he notice it was One Direction.

"I guess your a huge fan now," he joked and now I rolled my eyes at him.

"So, I'm happy Lacey introduced their music to me," I defended.

"I was just joking with you." I sighed and look towards my mum who had been quiet this whole time.

"What's up with mum?" I asked Mark, his response was a shrug of the shoulders.

"Nothing's wrong with mum, she's just trying to drive." I nodded my head as I looked out the car window.

I drummed my fingers on my knee to the tune that softly played from the speakers. I didn't have a phone or iPod to entertain me but I was six, not old enough to have one. But I was happy I had my Louis doll with me but even that didn't entertain me much.

I heard the silent whispers of Mark and mum in the front but I ignored that. What use would their conversation be to me. Nothing really. Unless it did involve my name then if course I would listen.



".. What would you think of maybe getting Chinese food for lunch unless you want something else?" she asked.

"I don't really care, I just want food," I replied and turn my gaze to the window.

"She'll talk more with you but I get a one sentence reply, how is that?" mum told Mark, his reply was another of his shrugs.

"Your so much help," mum complain.

"Hey, I'm not Faith. If she didn't same more maybe she didn't have a better answer. I'm sure she'll talk more at lunch," he replied.

I watched as she smiled at him, his hand took mum hand giving it a quick kiss. I silently groaned in my head but another bubble was popping in my head. What did that mean? I shook my head and turned my attention to my bag, dad's face smiling at me. I wonder dad would think if be saw that. Mad, I hope.

"Let's go," mum cheered as she hoped out of the car.

I opened the door, my hand clenching over my doll as I held it. I rushed to open the door for mum, mum smiled as she walked in. Mark holding her hand as she lead the way.

I froze and my jaw dropped as I watch them. I stood there for a mere minute earning a few 'thank you' for people who thought I held it open for them. But in reality I could tear my eyes away from them.

"Faith c'mon, let's go," mum said and she followed the lady to a table.

I scurried to keep up but I did mange. I took the seat across from Mark and mum as they sat next to each other. From the looks of this I wasn't ready for the news to leave their lips.

"What can I get you to drink?" the lady asked. Mum always chose my drinks so I waited it for her.

"Me and her will have coke," mum told her.

Where's My Dad? (Louis Tomlinson) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now