Don't Leave Me.

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I looked around the park, searching for Louis but I saw no sign of him. All I saw was Faith playing along the slide, and a couple walking hand-in-hand down the path, and a mother and her two kids sitting on one of the park benches. I was starting to grow impatient of waiting, and I needed to see my gran before anything got worse. I was about to call Faith so we could leave when he just happen to apper but he wasnt alone.

"Sorry we're late." I looked over at Eleanor and smiled, in my mind I was piss as hell.

"Its fine, you came just at the right moment." I replied back to him, a smile forming on his lips.

"Its nice to see you again, Micheala." She smiled at me before taking Louis hand in hers.

"Same, so do you want to tell her or do you want me to do it?" I asked Louis.

"I think you should." I nodded my head as I called for Faith.

"Louis, Eleanor," Faith screamed running to them, wrapping her arms around their legs.

I let them say hello to each other before setting Faith down on the bench and sitting along side her. Faith looked at me, then Louis, with a smile across her face.

"Faith, me and Louis want to tell you something." I said grabbing her hand in mine.

"Remeber when you asked who your daddy was."

"Yea," She spoke.

"Well Louis your dad." Her eyes widen as she looked at me shocked.

She didnt say anything, all she did was look back and forth between me and Louis. Eleanor didnt look happy at me, but she hide it behind a smile. I ingored her as I tried to get Faith to speck again, shes been sitting there spechless and shocked.

"Faith, please say something." I grabbed her head inbetween my hands, looking at her in the eyes.

"Are you guys lying or really telling the truth," Eleanor blurrted out.

I looked away from Faith to Eleanor, glaring at her. "Why would I lie to my daughter about her father." I said bluntly at her.

"I dont know, people would do it for the money."

"Well Im not like you am I," I told her off.

"Let's stop this right now, El can we talk for a second." Eleanor nodded her head as she stood up with Louis.

I smirked at her when she looked back at me and glared. I couldnt make out what they were saying but then again why would I want to hear their stupid conversation. I turned back to look at Faith and she smiled back at me.

"Faith, speak to me," I ordered, waving my hand back and forth in front of her face.

"Louis my dad," she whispered, her smile had grew bigger.

"Yes Faith, Louis is your dad. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, I just thought it would be best that you didn't know."

"It's fine mum, as long as I know now." I pulled her into a hug, kissing her forehead at the same time.

"Your choosing her over me, how could you Louis. We've been together for so long how can you throw that away for them," Eleanor yelled, earning a few glares from people around her.

I couldn't hear Louis voice, but the look on Eleanor's face said it wasn't something she wanted to hear. I covered Faith's ears knowing the next words to leave her mouth weren't pretty.

"Fuck you Louis. Go live a perfect life with your slut then, but remember you will come back to me." She looked at me and glared before storming off.

Where's My Dad? (Louis Tomlinson) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now