M + M

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~ Michaela's POV ~

Mum didn't like the fact the Louis cheated. Plainly she like the idea at all. The thought of the one you love choosing to kiss or have sex with another is wrong. I don't believe she has ever felt it but turns out my aunt had been through it. It happen when I wasn't that old but now I only saw my uncle when ever he use to pick up my cousin Dean. I guess now I finally understand the pain she felt. The torture it put on her heart.

"I think you should talk to him. I know this isn't a good idea but you two have a kid together. You do know that it's only going to effect Faith more then it will on you," mum told me, her head nodding up in down.

"I know but, it just hurts to much. I never thought he was capable of doing something like this." She nodded her head. Lifting the cup of tea to her lips.

"Sweetie, I know how you feel. Aunt Josie went through the same thing and I was there to help her get through it. Now it hurts more to see my own daughter through it," she joked but I wasn't pleased.

I was siting here looking at my mum as she talked about how I needed to talk to Louis. I continued to sip my tea and stare up at the night sky. I wasn't sure what else to do with a broken heart other then drinking tea, a blanket wrapped around me, and the sky. What other way to do this. I guess I never knew anything else other then watching the sky. They sky being my only other friend.

"I have to check on your dad, don't stay out here too long, she told me as she stood from the bench.

I nodded my head and watched as she left into the house. I know it may be November but the cold wasn't effecting my like I would expect it to. Doncaster just was going to be nice to me for once.

"Hey, are you ok Michaela?" I jumped as my eyes turned to the source of the voice.

"Oh, don't scary me like that Mark," I yelled as I placed my hand over my heart. He laughed as he took the seat next to me.

"Sorry, I would have thought you heard me." I groaned as I fixed my blanket.

"Well I didn't," I say and he only continues to laugh.

"I guess not but what are you doing out here, it cold." I rolled my eyes as I pulled my blanket close.

"I just needed to get some air," I simply replied.

"It's the middle of November in Doncaster at that," he replied matter-of-factly.

"Shut up, you should know me. We've been friends forever," I nudge his should and he smiled at me.

"I know that but I thought you would have been smarter about this. You do have a daughter that looks up at you, and siting out in the cold isn't a good idea for her."

"Always have to be overly smart don't we," I joked and he just laughed.

I looked at Mark's perfect smile and the way his tiny dimple appeared on his left cheek. I loved how his eyes gleamed with happiness whenever he smiled and now that I look at him, I see something. I see something I didn't before.

Without thinking I put both of my hands on Mark's face, bring it close until our noses were barley touching. Mark didn't seem fazed by what I was doing as he closed his eyes. I smiled before doing the same and bring our lips together. I felt my lips slowly sync with his in movement and he brings his hand to my cheek. I could taste the strawberry flavor of his mouth mixed with a slight mint.

I was too caught up in the moment to realize what I was doing to stop. But at the point I didn't care other then that I was loving Mark's kisses. I was staring to think why didn't I fall for Mark. He was true, faithful, and he really cared for me. I know Louis was the same with these things but Mark followed them more.

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