A Dark Memory

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~Two weeks later~

I stood there staring at the brown casket as it was lowered into the ground, tears slowly flowed down my cheeks. I threw the white rose I had into the hole, my feet started to walk away and into Louis arms.

"Love, it going to be ok," Louis whispered into my ear as he held me tight.

"I still can't believe she's gone." I said into his soaked white shirt.

"I know, I can't believe it either. But she wouldn't want you to cry because of her, remember what she said to you." I nodded my head as I took deep breaths to stop crying.

"Let's go, I don't think Ryan and Christy can handle any more of Faith." He laughed as he lead me back to his car, his arm never left my waist as we made our way.

His hand stayed on my thigh as we made our way back to the hotel, I had to pack so I could go back home. Roger would need me back and I had to catch up on bills and my other job would need me soon. I don't care if I had Louis back, I wasn't going to give up my jobs or be lazy and just take care of Faith to live with Louis. I just didn't want to put Faith into that life style just yet, and neither did I. It was too soon and not even the fans knew about us other than Harry and Eleanor, I just prayed she didn't tell. But I couldn't be too sure since I did kinda steal her man away from her.

The feeling of being in my own clothes was proving to change my mood, the dark black was just showing the sad part of me. The white lose sweater, dark blue jeans, and white flats kept me in a happier mood. I closed the suitcase, my mind smile at the idea of going back home to Doncaster. Mainly back to Faith. Louis took the suitcase taking my hand in the other as he lead me out of the room.

The bench was hard and freezing cold beneath me, a cold breeze washed over me as the sounds of the train screamed in the distance. I looked at the ticket in my hand, a memory of me running away when I was seventeen flashed before my eyes.


I couldn't believe I was doing this, why was I leaving my family and my home? Then it hit me like a brick, I was leaving because of the human being growing in my stomach. My hand went to my already slightly round stomach, I was far along but that I already had a bump surprised me.

"Next," a voiced called, my feet stepped closer until I was facing the man in the window.

"A ticket for London," I said not looking up at him.

I heard him click away at the computer and soon he gave me the price. I was starting to regret doing this but I thought it would be best for now. He gave me the ticket, I took it before making my way to the closest bench, rolling the suitcase to sit next to me. A cold breeze rushing over me, making me pull my grey sweater tighter around me, my hands hugging close to my stomach.

The screams of the train echoed in the distance, people slowly rose as they waited for it to come closer. I hugged my stomach tighter as a single tear rolled down my cheek, why was I doing this? I knew why as I looked down to my bump, it was because of the small being growing in my stomach. I looked up as the train came more into view, but I still had a few minutes till the train pulled into the station.

I turned my head back to my bump as I thought of Louis, the father of my baby. Why didn't I tell him before I left, it's going to kill me slowly to know he would never see his cheery girlfriend again. But what was killing me more was him not knowing I was pregnant, that he wouldn't know he was going to be a father very soon.

Slowly the tears slide down my checks just as the screeches of wheel coming to a halt. I sighed as I grabbed the handle of my suitcase rolling behind me as I made my way towards the car of the train. I held my ticket out to a small women, she took it slowly glancing at it quickly before handing it back and moving out of the way. I looked at the seats before me as I made my way towards the back of the car, I placed the suitcase in between my knees as I sat down. My eyes turned to stare out the window watching as people boarded the train. Each person either looked happy or were just plain sad, I looked towards the entrance seeing those familiar blue-green eyes but disappeared as I glanced back. A tear left my eye, flowing down my cheeks onto my hand clutching my stomach.

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