Happy Birthday Faith! Part 2

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~Michaela's POV~

After we had finish our breakfast, Faith ran upstairs to get ready. Louis sat at the table, his hands wrapped around the cup of tea. His eyes watched me as I cleaned our mess up putting the plates in the sink, I catch his gaze.

"Are you only just going to sit there and watch me with that smirk or help," he laugh before grabbing a few dirty plates.

"But it's so much better watching you work," he said into my ear. I pushed him away laughing as I turned the faucet on.

"Always trying to pull something aren't you." A smirk played on his lips as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Only with you." His lips connected with mine, a smile coming to his lips.

"Eww," Faith whined.

I looked over at Faith as she covered her eyes from thw view before her. I laughed and Louis joined me, I psuhed him lightly away as I made my way over towards her.

"Faith, you know it isnt gross to kiss." I told her and she looked at me.

"Yes it is," she snapped back.

"You know you will be doing the same thing when you get older." Her eyes widen as she shook her head no.

"No I wont thats gross." I laughed at her.

"Well you will trust me, now are you ready to go to grans house?" She nodded her head quickly before making her way to the door.

"Lets go now, I want to see gran," she yelled as she jumped into her shoes.

Louis laughed behind me and I just looked at him and smile before joining Faith in putting my shoes and coat. I was pretty excited to see the look on Faith's face when she whats in store for her. I so wanted this birthday to go perfect and so far it was, Faith deserved everything that was coming today. I'm proud of my strong little girl that has gone through too much with me, she was worth it.

"Micheala," Louis called, I looked up to see that they were already outside and gettting in the car.

"Sorry, let me lock the door," I called back as I shut the door behind me.

I made my way into the car and sat down in the passenger side. Louis smiled at me before pulling out of the driveway, Faith looked at me and smiled before hugging the Louis doll.


We soon arrived in front of my mums house and a few cars were scattered about on the road, most of the from our family. Faith had fallen asleep and was leaning her head against the window, her mouth slightly parted open. I brought my phone out and snap a picture of the scene.

"Faith, Faith sweetie wake up," I said as I slightly shook her.

"Uhmm." She whined.

"Wake up we're here." Her bright blue-green eyes stared at me.

"We're at grans?" I nodded my head and she started to quickly unbuckle.

"Excited I see." She ignores me as she rushes to the house.

"Well I see she loves gran," Louis said as he grabbed my hand.

"Don't be surprised, she only loves since she spoils her." He laughed.

"Don't I spoil her enough?"

"Plenty, but so does Ryan You should have seen how much he spent on her at the mall." He smiled.

"Mum, grans not opening the door," Faith yelled as she rushed to my side.

"I hope she is, I told her we were coming. Wait, I have a key." I said as I held up a small key.

I placed the key in and unlocked the door, Faith pushed open the door and stop. She stood frozen as she stared at the dark living room.

"Surprise," everyone yelled as I turned the light on.

Me and Louis smiled as we waited for Faith's reaction, she was still standing there frozen.

"I can't believe this..." was all that was said from her.

She was soon engulf in hugs, my brothers were hugging the life out of her. I smiled as more people joined some even handing her a few gifts.

"Six years old, my don't they grow," mum said, her eyes watching Faith with delight.

"They sure do," I replied.

"How about we start this party, I know Faith would want that," mum said as she looked at me.

"Yea, she would." Mum smiled before walking towards Faith.

"Lets get this birthday party started," mum yelled and everyone cheered.

Louis wrapped his arm around me, his eyes stared down at me. "C'mon you need this too." I nodded my head as he lead me into the crowd of people.


"You got lucky with him you know," Jay said as we watched Louis and Faith dance.

"I wouldn't be lucky if you hadn't had him," I replied back to her.

"True and I'm proud I did but I'm proud that he's with you. Me and your mum always knew you two would be a thing. Now all we talk about is waiting for you guys to get married and give us more grandchildren." She grabbed my hand and smiled.

"Mum, join me," Lottie called, we hands grabbing Jay's.

"Guess I'm leaving," she laughed, joint her daughter on the floor.

I watched as they laughed and swayed to the music. Ryan and Christy were standing there, love radiating all over them. Christy had a small round bump peaking slightly under her dark blue shirt. Daniel and Angela were standing in the kitchen drinking some of mum homemade punch. Angela looked over at me and smiled before turning back to Daniel. Alan was standing by the door a beer in his hand as he watched the party. I felt bad for him since he still hasn't fallen in love, but it hurt to see that his younger siblings were all getting married or had someone to love. I looked around the room looking for anyone that might match him but either they were too young or taken. I stood up and walked over to him.

"Why do I always see you with beer?" I playfully asked.

"That last time I saw you was when I finally saw my five year old niece, well now six."

"True, very true." I laughed.

"So why are you over here? shouldn't you be having fun with Faith and Louis?" He asked.

"Yea, but I saw you over here alone and thought I would give you some company." He took a swing at his beer and stared at me.

"C'mon Alan, you know you like my amazing company." He laughed bring his beer away from him.

"How could I not, you are my only sister."

"Yup, and always will be." I smiled and he continued laugh.

"You've never changed have you, you may be a mother but your still your annoying self that I remember."

I hit his arms as hard as I could but failed badly. I have mature way more than he thinks but that still hurt.

"I am not annoying, and I have grown up." He just laugh as he rubes the spot I hit.

"Still hit like a girl, but I was just kidding with you. I love you to much and I'm grown more than you."

"Shut up," I growled at him.

"Michaela, come here please." Mum called from the kitchen.

"Try and find someone to talk to and make the best of this night please. I don't want to come back and see you still drinking a beer, alone," I told him.

"Fine, now leave" he ordered.

I smiled at him before making my way into the kitchen where mum was standing over a cake. Faith's favorite, Jessie was smiling big with her red pig tail flying behind her.

"Her favorite I see."

"She never did tell me her favorite band so I went with Toy story since everything I see that." I nodded my head.

"Help me carry it into the dinning room, and make sure to sing as loud as you can so they can hear over this bloody music," I laughed but nodded my head.

"1...2...3..go" she counted.

"Happy Birthday.. Day to you." We sang loudly as we entered the dinning room.

Everyone started to hater around the table and Faith stood tall and a chair as she waited for us to set the cake down.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear.. Faith.. Happy birthday to you." We sang. Cheers erupted around the room and Faith's cheeks turned red.

"Blow out the candles Faith," mum said.

Faith looked at the candles and closed her eyes as she was deep on thoughts. Her eyes quickly open and her mouth parted as she blew the candles out.

"Yea," we cheered all at once.

Faith smiled and I started to cut the cake, handing her a piece since she was the birthday girl. She took it and started to eat it quickly, nobody notice as I passed out the rest to everyone.

"Slow down Faith, your stomach will hurt later." Louis told her, she slowed down her eating taking little bits.

I smiled at him before finishing up with the cake. Faith was eating her cake and talking with Lacey who was laughing at whatever she was saying. Lydia was talking to her husband, her eyes covered with love.

My phone started to ring and I looked at it before walking outside.I stared at the number that flashed before my screen but the number didn't seem familiar at all, maybe I shouldn't answer it. Wait I need to what if its important.

"Hello," I said after I brought the phone to my ear.

"Miss Williams, I'm afriad to tell you this but you told us to call you regarding anything about Rick Meeks. He's been bailed out." My jaw dropped and I stared at the phone in disbelife, this couldnt happen.

"Why did he even have a bail, I was told that there was no way he would be out a prison for maybe a couple of years? I was even there when they said there would be no bail."

"Ma'ma I'm sorry but it say the bail was set at 6,000 and he was granted six years in prison if not bailed out by next month."

"Bloody hell there should have been no bail. He should be in that jail cell right now doing his time, he beat me. Do you not understand that he almost killed me if I had not been able to call an ambulance. I almost died in front of my daughters eyes because of what he did," I yelled into the phone.

"This was all decided by the court and everything is written in the report that I am staring at right now." I screamed at the sky, I was so fustrated right now.

"Well maybe you should fix your law system since its fuck up. He's a women beating. How do you guys not see that?"

"Ma'am please don't cuss with me, I'm just saying what the report says..."

"I don't give one fuck about what it says, you don't understand how it is for me." I stared to cry and I looked inside to see that the party was still going on.

"If you have complaints about the system you will have to call the judge that handled your case and talk..." I hung up and threw the phone to the floor, grass actually.

My life was screwed now that Rick was free, I knew he was going to make my life a living hell.


Hey sorry for it being so late, I have to write a fighting scene for my friend since I love her and I happen to be a character in this story also.

Ok hope you loved this chapter, can you believe Rick's out of jail. I wasn't planning on him coming back but then I realized that this book would only be twenty something chapters long. So i decided to have him come back. 

Ok comment and vote for this chapter, oh and please tell me how you feel about Rick coming back into Michaela's life.

Where's My Dad? (Louis Tomlinson) (Editing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora