Should I tell him?

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~ Louis's POV ~

I watched Faith and her mother walk down the aisle but something about them seem familiar. Faith turned around and wave bye before running off. I watched her mum slowly turn around and stare at me but she never showed me her face. With the flip of her hair she was gone and out of sight.

"Who was the hottie Lou." I turned behind me to find Harry with the rest of lads and the cart full of food.

"I don't know but she seemed familiar but I think she taken since she had a daughter." I thought back to Faith she seem familiar but older at the same time.

"We'll let's go before Niall manages to eat the whole store." We laugh a little before heading to the check out line.

~ Mum's POV ~

When Faith said Louis I had to see who it was and just that quick glance made me smile.

"Hi and thanks." I took Faith's hand and started walking down the aisle.

Faith turns around to wave bye to him before running towards gran. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around slowly to look at Louis. He smiled at me but then I saw four boys standing behind him staring at me and him. With one step I left the aisle and ran towards my mum who was asking Faith to grab something.

"I was wondering where you were since I saw Faith running towards me and I knew you wouldn't be far behind." I smiled at her before looking at the cart.

"Do we really need that much food mum. Daniel isn't fat."

"No he isn't but this should last us a month." She laughed before Faith came running back with something in her arms. "We'll thank you Faith, now we can leave."

Pushing the cart towards the check out line we get in line and I hear Faith say something. "Louis." She takes off and I knew I had to go after her. I watch as she runs towards him and he turns around just in time to catch her.

"Hey Faith." I stopped dead in my tracks as I watch them until he almost looks at me.

"Faith how many times must I tell you, you can't just run away without telling me." I felt Louis and the rest of the boys stare at me but I kept my eyes on Faith.

"I'm sorry mum." She looks at Louis and I knew she was going to ask the question. "Mum where's dad."

I couldn't tell her and I knew Louis was waiting for my answer but I never been ready for this. "Faith your dad Uhm... You don't have one."

I felt the tears roll down my cheek because I sorta told her the truth. How can I say that she might never see her dad or should I just say that he doesn't know you exist. I felt someone touch my shoulder and little arms pull me into a hug. I open my eyes to find Louis and Faith hugging me which made me cry even more. Why did it have to happen now why couldn't it have been later but I guess I was wrong.

"Louis we need to go." He let go of me and passed Faith to me without me even looking at him.

"Call me when you need anything." I took the paper and nodded my head before walking back to my mum.

"What a scene you made." She raised an eyebrow at me as I place Faith in the cart.

"Mum I'm not in the mood."

"Whatever lets go." She pushed the cart as we walked outside to her car.

As we were on our way back home my phone rang. Taking it out I answered it not caring who it was.


"Michaela we heard you were in town and wanted to know if you would join us for dinner." I look over at Faith since I knew they just wanted to see her.

Where's My Dad? (Louis Tomlinson) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now