We need a break.

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.Micheala's POV

I scrolled through my news feed and looked among the articles of news on celebrities. Faith was busy doing homework on the coffee table in front of me. She looked up at me and smiled before turning her haze back to the paper.

November wasn't looking to be going fast and I started to think about what I would do. The days seemed to pass so slowly. So slow that sometimes I didn't know what to do. I might look about outside or take a walk in the autumn breeze. Sometimes I would do nothing and stare at the ceiling and wait till it was time to pick up Faith.

"Mum, can I get a fruit snack?" I looked down at Faith's homework before nodding my head.

I watched as she made her way into the kitchen before turning my eyes to the screen. I didn't know why I bothered looking through this but I had nothing else to do. Some day my life will be written on these sites. Only because I loved Louis, and he was in the band One Direction.

"Mum, when is daddy coming home?" Faith asked as she sat down beside me.

"He'll be here for Christmas, sweetie," I told her.

"Why so long," she whined.

"Your father works, just like I do. But it's harder for him to visit us."

"Lacey told me it's because he's in a boy band. He has to travel, interviews and makes music," she said.

"Lacey is right about all of that," I laughed.

"Can I go to my room to play?" She asked.

"Is your homework done?" She nodded her head. I raised my eyebrow and she handed me her paper.

I scanned over the scribbled work before smiling and nodding my head. She smiled before running away with her Louis doll tucked under her arm. I swear that doll was the closet thing she had to her dad. I wouldn't blame her though. When your fathers in a big boy band and never around.

I scrolled down the page and decided to turn it off and just watch tv. I closed the screen and grabbed the remote flipping the tv on and switching through channels.

"Louis Tomlinson..." I flipped past the channel and turned back as I realized it was about Louis.

"Broke his relationship off with Eleanor Calder days before she was caught sneaking out of his flat. Fans were stunned to hear this news but let it slide thinking that it was taking days before. Louis hasn't said anything about the incident, neither has Eleanor. The boys tweeted about this saying this was taken before but can we truly listen to them. Clearly the date can prove wrong..." I shut the tv off not daring to hear more of his bickering.

My mind raced with thoughts on how this wasn't true or how can he do this to me. I groaned and ran my hands through my hair frustrated as I stared at the black screen.

"Mum, dad's on the phone," Faith said as she held my phone in her hands.

"C'mon, let me see it," I motioned and she handed me the phone.


"Michaela, Harry was wondering if you wanted to come and hangout for maybe a week or two."

"I don't think I will be able too, plus Faith has school until next month," I bluntly said into the phone.

"I see someone's in a bad mood," Louis sasses.

"I wasn't till I learned something,"I snapped.

"What was that something?" Louis asked.

"Oh, I think you know what I'm talking about. I don't think I can make it anymore obvious, Louis." I heard him sigh into the phone.

Where's My Dad? (Louis Tomlinson) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now