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I steadily walked down the stairs, careful to clutch onto the side baring. I didn't dare look up as I grew closer to the bottom, but instead on my cast covered leg.

"Do you need help," mum asked, looking up at me as I struggled to keep my weight off my leg.

"I got it," I waved off and smiled as I reached the last step.

Mum handed me my crutches and I balanced them under my arms. I felt liked crap as I took the few steps to the couch where most of my gifts were laid out. But I only focused on getting there without falling on my face.

I dropped onto the couch, setting the blasted crutches to the side, giving a sigh of relief. I looked at the few piles of gifts, looking for the ones dad got me but I only saw mum or Santa.

"Did dad get me anything?" I asked sadly and took a small gift into my hand.

"Louis.. he didn't give or send any. But I'm sure he has something up his sleeve for you." I frowned and started to open the gift even though I just wanted to see dad or something from him.

I tried to smile as I held up the Niall doll in my hands. I was happy I was only 3/5 dolls done till I had them all, but I didn't like the idea of having to hug a plastic figure knowing I could hug the real thing.

"Liking your gift?" Mark asked, I put on a fake smile and nodded.

"Love it," I replied and started to open another gift.


I watched as mum started to pick up the wrapping paper from the ground. I would have helped or have taken my gifts to my room instead of Mark doing it, but they insisted that I sit and relax. I didn't understand the meaning of relax, I was six, I shouldn't have to sit and relax.

I picked at lint sticking to the couch thinking of something to say or do but my ideas turned to mush when I realized they'll turn them down. Lint picking wouldn't be much distracting when soon I feel bored with it but I had a broken leg and arm to deal with. Mum looked over at me and smiled sweetly before continuing to pick up the wrapping paper.

"Do you want something to eat, sweetie?" Mum asked, I nodded and then reliazed she wasnt looking up at me.

"Yeah, I would love something to eat." Her lips turned upwards in a smile before she exited the room and making her way into the kitchen.

"What would you like? I have a few ideas but I'm not sure if you would like them." I gigled slightly before thinking of what I was craving to eat.

"Can I have pancakes?"

"Sure, I'll add a little something to make them feel more christmasy." I smiled at the idea but then remembered that she could wipe up something crazy.

"Dont go over board mum." I heard her chuckle, sounds of pans and coverts closing.

I leaned over stretching my arm as I tried to reach for the remote. I smiled and sat back to normal as I turned the tv on.

"Mark, come down here," mum yelled and I frowned unsure what she would need him for.

Mark rushed down the stairs and made his way into the kitchen, ignoring me.

"Open the door for me, I'm sure I was just hearing things but can you check for me?"

"Sure," Mark replied and I listen as the door creaked opened.

"What are you doing here?" I frowned, pulling the crutches under my arms and making my way towards the door.

"I have a right to see her, I just want to see Faith and then I'll leave." I looked at dad as Mark towered over him.

"Dad." I mutter and dad looked straight at me, his face softening as he took in my face.

"Hey sweetie." I smile, dad came rushing towards me.

"I'm happy to see you again." I wasn't lying, he was the only person I wanted to see.

"I am too, baby. I brought you a few gifts, I'm sure you already have a lot now but I just got what I thought you would like." he started to pull a few wrapped gifts out.

"You didn't have to get me anythings, I only want to see you daddy." I admitted, dropping my crutches to the ground and wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tight.

He was shocked but soon wrapped his arms around me, hugging me like his life depended on it. Tears swelled in my eyes as they slowly made their way down my cheeks.

"I'm so happy to hear that, Faith." I nodded.

"Louis, take Faith into the lounge room. She can put much weight on her leg." dad nodded, picking me up and carrying me to the lounge rooms setting me down on the couch.

"Here at least open your gifts, I want to remember this since this is my first Christmas with you." I smiled and waited as he quickly grabbed the small bag and the gifts he had already taken out.

He sat back down, handing me a few gifts. I began to open the first gift but as I did I began to think about that I didn't care what it was. I was just happy to have him siting here with me, to have him by my side.

I smiled as I pulled out a small white t-shirt of them, signed by all of them.

"You like, the boys were pretty upset how things ended and I knew that you liked my band so I got you this."

"I love it dad, more things to make Lacey jealous by," I joked and dad chuckled lightly.

"Open the rest." I nodded and continued to open the gifts.


"Thanks dad, for everything. I love it." He gleamed, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm glad you do." Mum came around the corner, watching us as she did so.

"Louis before you leave can we speak alone." Louis looked over at her, nodding his head slowly.

"Guess I should get going, Jay would like to see me too while I'm here." I nodded as he stood up.

"Will you make sure to come back and see me." He looked down at him, sadness over took his face.

"I won't ever leave you Faith, I'll always be by your side. Remember that." I smiled, watching as dad left the house along with mum behind him.


So what did you think about the chapter, kinda was a filler kinda wasn't.

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