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~ Eleanor's POV ~

I didn't know what to think, I was confused, unsure of what this all meant but I knew it would lead to trouble. Trouble that could both put mine and Louis or even Michaela lives at risk.

"Are you sure you alright?" Perrie asked, her hands rubbing my back.

"I'm fine." Lie. I wasn't, I was so mixed up at the moment.

"El, are you sure? I haven't seen you the same since about two weeks ago. you've been throwing up, and eating more than you should. Are you pregnant?" she blurted out and my head wipe to the side.

"I can't be, I swear I'm not but.." I tailed off remembering the night me and Louis had sex.

"But, what? Did you have sex in the past month or so?" She waited for my answer, her eyes searching my face.

"Yes, I have." I admitted.

"C'mon, were going to get a pregnancy test for you." She grabbed my hand, dragging me away from the couch.

"Wait, can't we wait till later. look at me, if they see me or even catch a pic of me buying a pregnancy test I'm screwed." She rolled her eyes and continue to drag me along.

"Who cares, this is important and we need to know." I stomped my heels of my shoe into the ground, forcing her to stop and look at me.

"C'mon, what are you doing Eleanor? We need to go." I shook my head.

"I can't, not like this." Perrie groaned, her fingers running through her blonde locks as she stared at me.

"How about I get someone else to get a test and we wait here?" I smiled, liking the idea better.

"I call up Lilly and have her get one. Might as well go sit back down while I do this." She sighed as I left the room returning to my spot on the plush couch.

Wrappers, tubes of ice cream laid across the floor along with a few empty boxes of tissue. Where did I go wrong? The mess was not something I like to look at but I've created it, days after me and Louis talked about that night. I remember every word he spoke and how we could never be together, how we weren't meant for each other. But I loved him, I didn't bare to see him leave and it ruined me.

It broke me to sheds and I couldn't control the emotion that built inside me, they managed to form into one huge one and destroy me. It ripped open and let everything lose and I had no way to stop it. Until I stared to grow confused about how I suddenly became sick, running to the bathroom and puking.

"Lilly should be here in about ten minutes." Perrie muttered, flopping onto the couch beside me.

"Good." Perrie turned towards me, her blue eyes filling with curiosity.

"Who might the father be?" She spoke softly as I could have barely caught it being if wasn't as quiet as it was.

"The only person we both know." She gasped, lifting up and staring down at me.

"Louis, you had sex with louis. When did this happen?" I groaned, my stomach churning before I could answer I rushed to the bathroom. Perrie following close behind me.

My throat burned as all the contents came up. Perrie rubbed my back along with holding back my hair. I was happy she was here, but not that she had to here about this, about me possibly being pregnant.

"Can you get me a glass of water?" Perrie nodded, rushing out of the bathroom.

I flushed the toilet and stood from leaning against it. Grabbing my toothbrush I quickly brush, riding my mouth of the horrid taste. Perrie returned with a tall glass full almost to the brim of water, and I took it from her and drowned it down.

"I really think you have to be pregnant, there's nothing else that I know of that has these side effects." I nodded, it would be amazing if I was knowing I had a child growing inside of me.

The sounds of knocks echoed down the hallways from the door and I expected it was Lilly here with the pregnancy test. I wanted to get this over with and see if it was true, if not, then I would be seriously sick.

"I'll go get it." I nodded watching as Perrie quickly left.

I fixed my hair, pulling it into a tight bun atop of my head before I left the room.

"Thank you Lilly. El, she got a few so this will really help us." I nodded looking towards Lilly as she smiled at me.

"It's best to do these in the morning, but most of the time you get the same results." Lilly explained as she passed me a small pink box.

"Take these too, more test the better so we can know." I smiled taking the other boxes and making my way towards the bathroom again.

I did as the instruction said and now I was waiting for them to show me my answer. The timer on my phone buzzed and I rushed over, reading each of the test.


I shivered against the cold breeze as it blew steadily over the land. The London lights sparkled as small flasks of snow fell, dancing off of them.

I kick the ground with the tip of my shoe as I waited. I just wanted to let all of this off my shoulder and have less stress for me. My eyes notice his figure slowly make it's way towards me and I jumped in joy. I still love him but I knew he didn't love me as much but deep down I hope that at least there was some feelings in his heart for me.

"Hey." I muster up as he came close enough.

"Hey." he muttered back.

I frowned as he didn't look up towards me, instead he kept his head down. it was silent for a few minutes before I tried to open my mouth but Louis beat me to it.

"Why did ya call to meet me?" He asked, his eyes still looking towards the ground.

"'Cause I have something to tell you."

"What is it then?" he snapped, his eyes moving to look towards me with pure hatred.

"I might be pregnant." I said and his whole facial expression changed.

"What? Your pregnant?" he asked confused.

"Louis, I'm pregnant and it's yours." I blurted out and Louis ran and hand through his hair, his eyes looking from the ground to me over and over again.

I waited as Louis remain silent and didn't say anything, he started to walk away and I freaked out.

"Where are you going?" He turned and glance at me before he continued to walk.

"Prove it, and call me when I can see it's actually true." He snapped before leaving me there.

I felt the tears slowly make their way down my cheeks. I was so confused as I watched his figure disappear. How could he have said that? Why did he turn that down? I would have thought he would have been happy, even excited to know he was going to be a father again but this was different.


Oh, so Eleanor might be pregnant! Now that's a shocker.

Comment what ya think or just hit the vote button, doesn't matter to me.

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