Cheated or Cheater

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So I would like to thank 1dloverforeverx for the idea and this chapter is dedicated to her. I had no clue what the plan was going to be or how it was going to go.


~ Eleanor's POV ~

I didn't get much sleep last night at all. I could only think about today and how it was going to go with Louis. Was he going to take me back? Or would it make things even worse for the both of us?

Rick still hasn't called me so I figuered he wasnt going to work with me. Guess that was a waste of 6,000 dollars. I had a few hours before Perrie woud be here to pick me up and my life was maybe going to get worse. I loved Perrie but I think this idea was crazy and going to get me killed but it was worth a try, right? I guess, Rick I doubt was going to help but maybe he could help or be there just if something goes wrong.

I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, I need food to eat. I opened the fridge only to be met with a few left overs, and the freezer not being much better with a few empty ice cream jugs. I guess I would have to go out and eat something. I grabbed my keys and started for the door when I reliazed what I was wearing as I stared at the mirror before me. My brown locks were in a messy bedhair bun, I was wearing a long white tee, and a pair of fluffy red pjs. I looked perfect for going out.

'Just go out, Eleanor. Who cares, enjoy some Starbucks before things get bad,' my mind told me.

I stared at my reflection before grabbing my shoes and leaving the flat with one thought in mind. FOOD. I wasnt going to care for anything or how I look at this point to people. I watched as some people did give me werid looks or a few girls started to giggle or smile at me. The small Starbucks sign smiled at me and I made my quickly towards it. The quicker I am with getting this the faster I am to getting home and getting ready for hell.

"What can I get you today?" a women asked staring at me.

"A medium iced coffee and a blueberry muffin please." I told her.

"Your name?"

"Eleanor." Her eyes widen as she heard my name. (I have no clue how Starbucks works so sorry if its not right. I don't go there and I don't drink coffee, I drink tea or Hot chocolate. :D)

"Thee Eleanor Calder, girlfriend of Louis Tomlinson," she squealed. Guess someones not up to date with their band facts.

"Yea, that's me," I said.

"Can I get your autograph, Im a huge fan." She smiled at me and her dimples persented themselves.

"Sure, no prblem." She handed me a paper and pen, and i quickly took them.

"I'll get your order,"she told me as she walked away.

I quickly signed it and placed it down on the counter and waited for her to return with my stuff. She smiles down at the sign paper before handing me my coffee and muffin. I reach into my pj pocket but I felt her hand stop mine. I look up at her shocked but my face softens as I see her smile.

"It's on the house, I never get to meet some of my idols. Especially while working," she tells me.

"Thanks," I tell her. She push a piece of her blonde lock behind her ear before looking away from me.

I take the ice coffee and make my way out of the shop. The cold air hit me hard and people busily pushed past me. Today seem to not play right with me but then again, London wasn't always bright and sunny. I sipped on my drink before joining the crowd of people and making my way back to the flat. A flash of light blinded me just as I turned the corner away from my home. A another flash followed and black shadows hiding after them. Great paparazzi. This day just couldn't get any better could it.

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