She looks just like you.

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~ Faith's POV ~

I didn't know what to think as I stepped into dad's flat, but all that came out was expensive. I didn't think I would ever stay in a expensive looking flat.

"C'mon, Harry waiting for us," dad called and I rushed over caring the grocery bag full of treats.

I didn't think I would be spoiled with so much treats but dad grabbed a handful and told me to do the same. Maybe dad was more like a dad than mum at being a mum. (If that made sense.) He didn't seem to treat me the same way mum did. He treated me with a more sweeter way. I actually felt like he truly did care, well mum did do.

I watched dad fumble with the keys as he tried to open the door, before his keys could touch the lock, the door swung open. Harry smiled at us, taking the pizza box from Louis.

"I see you bought me food," Harry gushed, taking a slice.

"Don't eat it all, we need to eat too," dad grumbled.

"So what's the plan?"

"We're going to watch movies," I cheered.

"Sounds like fun." I nodded, catching up to dad as he walked into the living room.

"What movie first, Faith?" Dad asked, holding up two movies.

I looked between the two, debating which should be first. I wanted so badly to watch Toy Story but when you have The Little Mermaid, it kinda hard.

"The Little Mermaid," I said pointing at the case.

"At least she didn't pick Toy Story," Harry sighed, me knitting my eyebrow together.

"You'll know later when you meet Liam," Harry explained.

Dad rolled his eyes as he placed the movie in the player. I took out a few of the treats and dumped them onto the table, grabbing a slice of pizza too.

Dad rushed over as he pushed the movie in, his hand grabbing a slice too. He scooted close to me, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before turning his gaze to the tv. I smiled, my eyes watching as the movie began.


I groaned as I lifted from the bed, wait bed. I darted my eyes around the white room. I thought I fell asleep on the couch? Maybe dad put me here.

I lifted the plush blanket off of me and made my way towards the door. Turning the painted gold knob I look into the hallway. Silence. It was never this quiet at mum's, unless I was at grans. Than it was. Two large brown doors on my left and a white wall with a few pictures on my right. I silently made my way through, taking my surroundings in, being as I would be here till Tuesday.

I didn't know what to think as I looked at the photos hanging. Two of them were of One Direction. Smiling and cheesing at an award show, Lacey showed me it before. The other one was of Dad, slightly holding something I couldn't make out. I traced over it, seeing if could figure it out by its shape.

"I was holding Lux, our hair dresser baby. She had fallen asleep in my arms," dad said, leaning against the doorframe.

He smiled, I looked back at the picture. I could now see the small frame of the body, and the poof of hair.

"Did you ever hold me?" I asked randomly, my thoughts telling that he did.

"No, your mum never told me she was pregnant with you. I only learned last year that you were mine," dad replied, his voice coated with sadness.

"Did she ever tell you why?" He shook his head no.

I frowned, the picture and his answers sadden me. Mum never told dad she had me. What kind of mum does that? Years of me not knowing who my dad was, was the same for Louis for not knowing me.

Where's My Dad? (Louis Tomlinson) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now