Happy Birthday Faith! Part 1

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~ Faith's POV ~

My eyes fluttered open and I heard humming coming from mum's bathroom. I guessed it was mum but then the smell of food came, filling my nose. I smiled before throwing the blanket over me, rushing over to my bedroom door.

"'humph," I fell to the floor, my eyes looking up at Louis.

"Faith, my bad. I didn't see you coming." I smiled as Louis wiped his hair with the towel.

"Where's mum?" I asked, smiling.

"Downstairs I think, she might be in the kitchen." I nodded my head before running down the stairs.

My eyes widen as I watched mum. place the purple cake onto the table along with some of my favorite food. Mum turned around placing her hand where her heart was as she smiled over at me.

"Happy Birthday Faith!" Michaela cheered as she waited for Faith's reaction.

"Really," Faith was too surprise to say anything else, her mind still putting the pieces together.

"Yup, happy birthday Faith." Louis said, his arm snaking around mum's waist.

"I can't believe this." I rushed over to the two, my arms wrapping around their legs.

"Now lets eat this cake," mum said, taking my hands leading me to a chair in front of the cake.

I watched as mum lite the candle, my eyes widen as I heard Louis start to sing.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Faith, Happy Birthday to you." Louis sang.

"Make a wish Faith," mum said, smiling down at me.

I looked down at the cake before me, closing my eyes. I started to think of what I wanted to wish for, but it had already came true. Maybe I should think of a toy, yes a toy. I parted my lips and blew the candles out, mum and dad started to cheer wrapping their arms around me.

I smiled as they kiss my cheeks, well mum really. With an amazing start to the day I knew today wasnt going to be boring at all, but filled with love and surprises. 


Hey people, sorry it going to be short but I've been busy with school and family. Ill have part 2 posted very soon for all of ya'll, I just wanted to post something for you guys.

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