My First Friend.

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 I held the tray of drinks I was brining over to Louis flat since we were going to my friends class today. It was her first year teaching and she thought it would be good to check out how well we've come since we left school. I lifted up my hand and knock on the door hoping someone would answer since I knew both of them werent morning people but Louis promised he would come with me. I heard the door creak open but the sight was something I didnt need to see.

"HARRY FOR REAL." I screamed as I tried to hide my eyes.

"Shush, its the morning so you know im usually not dressed." 

"Could you at least run to your room and go back to bed." I heard him smirk before his feet were heard running away. 

I slowly removed my hands just incase he was still there. This wasnt the first time almost seen harry naked but still it always got to me. I heard his door slam shut so I knew he was pissed off but he was going back to bed. I let out a sigh as I walked up the stairs to Louis room and opened the door a peck to see that he was sparled out on his bed. I let out a same chuckle as I walked over to the bed and sat down next to him. His hair was covering his face a little and his mouth was a tiny bit opened as little snores came out. I smiled to myself as I poked him in the side, he fliched a little but didnt really react to my touch. I gripped his shoulder and shock him lightly but he opened his eyes and looks at me with a frown. 

"Louis wake up, we have to go to the school today." 

"leave me alone im tired." I tilted my head a little as he looked at me. 

"Louis you promised." 

"Fine at least let me get in two minutes of sleep." 

"Nope, we need to leave now." He groaned as he looked at the hot tea siting on the nightstand next to him. 

He got up and took the cup with him as he went into the bathroom. I waited on his bed while I sipped on my tea for the starbucks I stopped at before coming here. Louis walked out in black pants and a black and white tee shirt wiht his usual toms. 

"Ready." He just nods his head as he takes a sip from his tea.

I followed him as he lead the way to the his car, the car ride was really silent but I would understand since he was still pretty tired which I didnt blame him. Being One Direction does have a pretty messed up schudele and their usually always on the dang move. I looked up at Louis as he turned into the school's parking lot and I saw him smile for a second but then it disappered but I could look twice. I raised an eyebrow at him as I was confused since he never did tell me where he went to school yet. And that smile did seem pretty weird. I just decided to brush it off since we had now parked the car and were gettong ready to get out and walk towards the front of the building. I been to this school only two times and I still kinda didn't know where everything was or where to go which was a bad thing. Louis seemed to know where he was going since he was pretty much leading the way. I just scrunched up my eyebrow at him but Id didnt say anything about it since well I didnt want to know. Louis took a sharp turn and right in front of us was the office and a elder women sat at a desk with her head facing the computer. Louis looked over at me and I knew what he wanted me to do. 

"Excuse me ma'm." The lady looked up at me and she seemed to smile at me but I think it was meant for Louis for some reason. 

"Well isnt it Mr. Tomlinson. My have you grown." She got up and walked over to Louis and impraced him into a tight hug. 

"Its nice to see you too Sarah." (A/N Remeber her when Michaela came to sign up Faith) 

"Wow anit all my older students coming to see me." He laughed and looked at her for a second cause I think he was waiting for her to continued. "Man, I saw you and the other day I saw a friends of your." 

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