I've Lost

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Chapter 26:

Tori's POV:

I can't believe it. I thought Arabella was different. Carrie told me what happened. Nobody tries getting her out. I guess it's what she deserves? But I still feel bad, you know?

I have to find a quiet place here. It's really loud because All That Matters is on, and all the girls are screaming at the top of their lungs.

I walk away from the dance floor and find a door that's just a supply closet with mops, brooms, and stuff and things. I walk inside and see a door. I walk through, and as soon as I open it, light enters the room. Arabella says, "Tori?" She gets up and hugs me. "Thank you!" I say she's welcome, and then ask, "So what happened?"

Arabella's POV:

"So what happened?" The minute I hear that, I want to cry. Do something. But I can't. No. I'm grown now. And plus Big Girls Don't Cry came on.

"So I was walking to get some food when someone pulled me in here. It was Tyler." I cringe at his name. "He told me he wanted me, I said no, he said he wanted a kiss, I said no, then he locked me in here for the past half-hour."

Tori shakes her head, confused. "That's not what Tyler said. He said it was the other way around."

"And you believed him?!"

"Well yeah. Why else would he lock you in, because then he would stay in here with you if he wanted you." I can't help but cry. I shake my head. "Tori you know it's not true. Why would I cheat on Sam? I love him!" Tori says nothing but leaves. I go through a supply closet, then through another door, then out into the dance. I look for Sam. I hope he doesn't believe Tyler.

I find Sam but this isn't how I wanted to find him. He's kissing Hollie, holding her hand. I run away. He believes Tyler! Right when I turn, my left shoe falls off. Great. I don't have time to grab it, or he will see me! And I don't want him to see me, because I don't want to deal with that problem right now. I don't want to see him, and I don't want him to see me.

You know who I find? Tyler. I grab the punch bowl and pour it all over his head when he's not looking. "THATS FOR LOCKING ME IN A ROOM YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" I slap him across the face. "AND THATS FOR LYING TO ALL MY FRIENDS!!" I can tell people are staring, but I don't care. "Tyler why did you have to even come. Why do you have to ruin this? When I came, I wanted to have fun, not to see my boyfriend's face in my enemy's." I run off. I wish I was still locked in that room.

Ingrid's POV:

I see Arabella screaming at Tyler. Maybe Tyler was lying about Arabella. That's what I'm starting to think. Arabella storms off. I run after her. "Hey Arabella I believe you. Not Tyler." She shows a faint smile. I add, "What about Sam? Does he believe you or Tyler?" Tears come to her eyes. "I'm not sure. All I know is Tyler locked me in a room, he lied, and now my boyfriend's lips are invading my enemy's."

I feel so bad. I'm probably the only one who believes her. "Do you want me to talk to him?" She shakes her head but then walks off. I'm gonna talk to Sam anyway.

I walk up to Sam, and sure enough he's kissing this slightly red-headed girl with a lot of freckles. "Sam what do you think you're doing?"

"Kissing my new girlfriend. Because apparently my old girlfriend likes that Tyler kid."

"Sam, Tyler lied! Arabella loves you from the bottom of her heart! She just slapped Tyler, and threw punch at him! Do you think she would do that to someone she loves? No, Sam. She wouldn't. THATS BULLSHIT!!" I scream. I make a great Beth impersonator! Sam seems to understand. Shock and sorrow fill his face. I walk off to make this seem more dramatic.

Ingrid strikes again!

Sam's POV:

Oh no! I hope Arabella didn't see me with Hollie. Wait a minute. She did. A few yards away, is one of her glass slippers. I still can't believe her aunt made her wear them.

All I need to do now is find my Cinderella.

I grab the shoe and walk away, looking for her.

"Wait baby!"

"No, Hollie don't call me that! We aren't even dating, I just kissed you once!"

"Whatever!" I roll my eyes. Where could she be? The Man comes on.

"I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man." Aloe Blacc's song says. "No I'm not, no I'm not, no I'm not!" I say to myself, because I'm not the man for believing Arabella would do that. "Yes I am, yes I am, yes I am." The song says. Really.

I find Arabella sitting alone in the corner. I walk up to her but she just runs off. "Wait!" I grab her arm. She looks at me, as tears flood her beautiful face. "What do you want? Wait, I'm sorry. You don't want anything. You just came to yell at me for getting locked in a room for 30 minutes and getting lied about to all my best friends!" She escapes my grip and runs off.

I've lost.

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